SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's Operating Complex

StS-Concepts, Values, Principles
Concept "Societally Systemic"
Concept "Societally Systemic".

Phenomenon, initiative, measure, rule, convention or attitude that has an impact on the whole of society,
in all sectors, locally-globally, worldwide, and covering all societal entities.

Hierarchy cognitive concept-adjectives:
Universal existence: holistic - Society organization: societal - Socio-economy: panergetic.

Societal Systemic Transition is the body of initiatives that changes the system or roots of societal developoment.
Without a societal systemic frame, all well-intended initiatives to reduce societal problems and introduce solutions,
fail to change the system, and in many cases, have even a iatrogenic impact.
Example: replacing gasoil cars by electric cars worsen the environment, if not the volume of cars is radically reduced.

Example of a measure that systemically changes the whole universe of economy, finance, business management,
public governance, research, education and personal consumption, read way of life:
Replacing the GDP, as a fake quality indicator, by the Panergetic Index.

Other Examples Societal Systemic Measures, be it on different degrees:
Introducing full transparency in all public governance related information, communication and documents.
Remove political parties, and related previleges, from all local-global public governance related institutions, decision making and initiatives.
Abolishing interest on money.

Under construction
Comparison Table Societal Initiatives,
including vertical, horizontal, diagonal and systemic impacts.


Concept "Societally Systemic" Study Learning Training Coaching Syllabus
Training Program Concept "Societally Systemic"

SiteMap Concept "Societally Systemic" - Key-Diagram Concept "Societally Systemic"
SocietalSystem FindEngine Concept "Societally Systemic" -
Horizontal Navigation Pages Concept "Societally Systemic"
Blank Document Models Concept "Societally Systemic"
SocietalSystem Documents Flow Concept "Societally Systemic" - Related SocietalSystem-Sites Concept "Societally Systemic"
Key-Terms Concept "Societally Systemic" - Key-Checklists Concept "Societally Systemic"
SocietalSystem Spheres-Flow Applications Concept "Societally Systemic" -
Societal Sectors Applications Concept "Societally Systemic" - Disciplines  Applications Concept "Societally Systemic"
Geo-Territorial Applications Concept "Societally Systemic" - Societal Entities Applications Concept "Societally Systemic"
Promo Cards Concept "Societally Systemic"Promo Posters Concept "Societally Systemic"
3-fold Flyers Concept "Societally Systemic"
- Promo Video Concept "Societally Systemic"
Expositions Concept "Societally Systemic" - Excursions Concept "Societally Systemic"
 Intro-Promo Slideshow Concept "Societally Systemic" - Synoptic Triptych Set Concept "Societally Systemic"

Key-References Concept "Societally Systemic" - Quotations Concept "Societally Systemic"
Holistic Thinking Applications
Concept "Societally Systemic"
- Key-Survey Concept "Societally Systemic"
Societal Top-Indicators DashBoard Concept "Societally Systemic"
Societal e-Transition 2025 Proposals and Projects Concept "Societally Systemic"
SocietalSystem-Tasks List Concept "Societally Systemic" - Global Supervisor Concept "Societally Systemic"
SocietalSystem Operating Features Concept "Societally Systemic" - SocietalSystem-Packages Products Services Events Concept "Societally Systemic"
SocietalSystem Associates and Partners Concept "Societally Systemic"

SocietalSystem Crowd-Research and Construction Program Concept "Societally Systemic"


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