SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's New Operating Complex

Diagonal Navigation Page Societal Complementarity Clusters World Geo-Territories
Horizontal Navigation Page From Competition to Complementarity World Geo-Territories
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Poly-Networks, World Geo-Territories

In shocking times, only shocking truths are real,
and only shocking proposals and projects are realistic.
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
to Entities-Clusters

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals. A unique multi-win formula.
Clusters of Projects proposed simultaneously to a Cluster of Entities,
inducing efficient sharing and complementarity, replacing energy-wasting competition.

Societal-Systemic Start-up of the
New, Post-Corona, Global-Local Society.
Finishing about 250 years of moneytheism. Lifting Humanity's Mental-Societal Age.

SocietalSystem ( StS ) Interest Groups-Levels
Standard SocietalSystem Perception Rating -
StS-Perception Range:
0,01 % 0,1 % 1 % 9 % 90 %
People's level depends on the topic.
Test your StS-Interest Group-Level soon  online
See also Mental-Societal Age

Hundreds of StS-Cluster Proposals in preparation.
Selection of Priority Thematic StS-Cluster-Proposals
Dossiers soon online

Download for Elaboration and Deliberation, Conferences, Workshops and Trainings
as well as for Mega-Posters for Expositions
Cluster-Proposals Blank Models

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Blank Model General Flyer
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Blank Model Webpage Societal Entities Outline
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Blank Model Table-File Societal Entities Outline
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Blank Model Presentation-File Societal Entities Outline
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Blank Model Webpage Societal Sectors Outline
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Blank Model Table-File Societal Sectors Outline
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Blank Model Presentation-File Societal Sectors Outline
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Blank Model Table-File World Geo-Territories Outline

SocietalSystem Operationals Cluster-Proposals
Global StS-Foundation and Geo-Territories StS-Associations
Global-Local StS-Enterprises
Global-Local StS-Supervisors Teams

Global-Local StS-Consortiums
Global-Local StS-System Info-ICT

SocietalSystem Basics Cluster-Proposals

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Crowd-Research and Construction SocietalSystem ( StS ) Complex
Join the Global StS-Thinktank. See

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Research on 250-Year Cycle Cognitive Revision
History evolves in a complex of cycles.  One of them we now experience in full
is the techno-mercantilist and partycratic era, mainly since the 18th century.
High time to rethink a whole range of concepts as property right, democracy, growth, etc.
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Anticipating Global-Local Complex Trends and Events
Intelligent management is based on anticipation, combined with a local-global view.

Root Societal Systemic Finance Proposals
The end of moneytheism.
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Replacement of the GDP by the Panergetic Index
Ending the fake driver of excess economy and finance.
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Replacement of Mercantilist Prices by Panergetic Prices
Ending the falsified value of goods and services.
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Global Holistic Debt Reset
Financial, ecological, social,
a complex set of all kind of debt, accummulated throughout history
by the whole of humanity, and now coming to the unavoidable "repayment", beyond money..

No bailout possible.

Global-Local Societal Governance System
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Replacement of Partycratic Politics by Deliberative Societal Governance System
Empowering citizens to take part, before and parallel with elecyions, to crowd-define policies, locally-to-globally.
Any other form without deliberation is top-down imposed, not fit for people who have been trained up to doctorate level.
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Societal (S)Elections System
replacing the Partycratic Elections System

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals European Parliament 2024 Societal (S)Elections Plan

replacing the Partycratic Elections System of the European Parliament

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals World Societal Goverance Organization WSGO
Conceiving, from scratch a thinking model for a viable, efficient, open and inclusive societal organization entity.
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Replacement, towards 2030, of the UN by the World Societal Governance Organization WSGO
The United Nations, and they know it there up to the highest level, is up to a radical replacement, and with urgency.
SocietalSystem luster-Proposals WSGO Global Seat place at the current European Parliament Site in Strasbourg
As the European Parliament split between Brussels and Strasbourg is untennable, time to give the Strasbourg structures a new, this time, world function.

A Convivial Socio-economy Holding in each e-Region of the World
15.000 e-Regions, the new central platforms of society, in all its aspects.
Societal holdings, the new socio-economy of the world, owned by all stakeholders.

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Agro-Forestry Eco-Resorts
One of the most societally systemic projects one can imagine. Realizing a vitally needed rural revitalization all over the world,
Agro-Forestry Eco-Resorts can be its main components,
of which millions should be created, in e-Regional networks.

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Emergency and Surviving Plans
Basic Site Surviving System and Reserve Kits
with Complementary complexity diagram of involved sectors

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals North-South 1 Trillion Euro History Reparation Program 2025
Time to set a timeless debt. An exceptional opportunity as well for the whole world's socio-economy.

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
The root problem-solution of almost all major world problems.

World Roads and Streets Societal Surveys Plan
An inventory of all problems-solutions of the world, parcel-per-parcel.
An exceptional opportunity, read task, for all schools, from the age of 15 students.
A project, without which no societal reset is imaginable.

Local Convivial Communities Networks
Includes creation of green convivial streets, at least 25 % of all urban areas,
as well as urban and rural Residential e-Clusters.

Minimum 25-50 % Green Convivial Urban Streets
No cars, no bicycles.
Giving life back to the cities and the streets back to the citizens.

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
World Geo-Territories - Preliminary Series

Any world geo-territory can be the object of a StS-Cluster-Proposals Plan 2020-2030

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals 2020-2030 Portugal
Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2020-2030

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals 2020-2030 e-Region Algarve, Portugal
Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2020-2030

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals 2020-2030 e-Region Alentejo, Portugal
Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2020-2030.

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals 2020-2030 Belgium
Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2020-2030

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals 2020-2030 Region Brussels, Belgium
Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2020-2030.

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals 2020-2030 e-Region Wallonie, Belgium
Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2020-2030

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals 2020-2030 e-Regio Vlaanderen, Belgium
Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2020-2030

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals 2020-2030 Europe Continent
Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2020-2030

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals 2020-2030 European Union
Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2020-2030

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals 2020-2030 Africa Continent
Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2020-2030

SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals 2020-2030 World
Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2020-2030

See also
General Site From Competition to Complementarity
Horizontal Navigation Page From Competition to Complementarity World Geo-Territories
Application Examples
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Complementarity Cluster Sector Transport General, World Geo-Territories
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Complementarity Cluster Sector Cars, World Geo-Territories
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Complementarity Cluster Sector Informatics, World Geo-Territories
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Complementarity Cluster Sector Universities, World Geo-Territories
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Complementarity Cluster Sector Agriculture, World Geo-Territories
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Complementarity Cluster Sector Forestry, World Geo-Territories
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Complementarity Cluster Sector Fisheries, World Geo-Territories
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Complementarity Cluster Sector Food Production, World Geo-Territories
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Complementarity Cluster Sector Local Energy, World Geo-Territories
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Complementarity Cluster Sector Home Electronics-Electrics, World Geo-Territories


SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals Study Learning Training Coaching Syllabus
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals World Societal Workshops Program
Training Program SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

SiteMap SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
Key-Diagram SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

SocietalSystem FindEngine SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

Horizontal Navigation Pages SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

Blank Document Models SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
SocietalSystem Documents Flow SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
Related SocietalSystem-Sites SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

Key-Terms SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
Key-Checklists SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

SocietalSystem Spheres-Flow Applications SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
Societal Sectors Applications SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
Disciplines  Applications SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

Geo-Territorial Applications SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
Societal Entities Applications SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

Promo Cards SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
Promo Posters SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

3-fold Flyers SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

Promo Video SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

Expositions SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
Excursions SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

 Intro-Promo Slideshow SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
Synoptic Triptych Set SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

Key-References SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
Quotations SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

Holistic Thinking Applications
SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

Key-Survey SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

Societal Top-Indicators DashBoard SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
Societal e-Transition 2025 Proposals and Projects SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
SocietalSystem-Tasks List SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
Global Supervisor SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

SocietalSystem Operating Features SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals
SocietalSystem-Packages Products Services Events SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

SocietalSystem Associates and Partners SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals

SocietalSystem Crowd-Research and Construction Program SocietalSystem Cluster-Proposals


© SocietalSystem ( StS )