SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's New Operating Complex

In chocking times, only chocking proposals and projects are realistic.

SocietalSystem-Complex Intro-Set Autumn 2019
Preparing a Societally Systemic Transition Program 2020-2030
Selection of StS-Files for personal contacts, intro-conferences, workshops, school sessions and training courses.
Aligned with the major public and private medium and long term programs, many of them object of modulable StS-Transcriptions,
specially the UN SDG 2030 Plan and UN IPCC Climate Change Reports and Objectives.
Per specific interest group, a list of other files are provided.

Date: 28.09.2019
Mail: - GSM +32 0485 591040
© SocietalSystem ( StS )

Data transmitted under no-circumvention principle.

Imagine you are part of a team to prepare a viable and inclusive alternative
for the current organization model, that would analyzed, deliberated and worldwide.
Think about concepts, instruments, infrastructures and initiatives, throughout all sectors of society
and to apply, adapted, to all local-global geo-territories, and to all societal actors,
as well as to personal way of life of soon 8 billion human beings.

> SocietalSystem is a unique platform, exactly to conceive, deliberate and implement this, hopefully towards 2030,

in time for Humanity and the earth's biosphere, to avoid reaching its point-of-no-return ...
Essentially different in SocietalSystem, with current initiatives for transition,
are its modulable documents, related local surveys and crowd-deliberations,
in any neighborhood or village of the globe, all worldwide concerted.

0. SocietalSystem-Complex
Integrated platform of 4 domain-sites
* StS-Foundation, StS-Societal Fund
* StS-DataBank, StS-Societal Program, StS-Holding Socio-economy
* Connection between Personal and Professional Own-Domain Sites+Sets
* Platform for Local-Global Deliberative Societal Co-Governance.

Societal Consortiums
SocietalSystem proposes the constitution of a Consortium ad hoc
to study, facilitate and prepare
the creation of the StS-Entities first on Global level, and for the Brussels region, the Wallonie Region and the city of Namur, the Wallonie's capital city.
Later to be followed by similar entities for the Algarve and Alentejo Regions in Portugal, the Essaouira and Ouarzazate Provinces in Morocco, a region in the DR Congo, Guiné Conakry and Brasilia.

Members of the Consortia include potential suppliers of the main "diagonal" services, globally and regionally,
including banking, internet hosting, hardware, software, professional trainig, research, marketing, supply of equipments for the regional and local socio-economy StS-Holding members, including more than 100 business sectors, etc.
Contacts and proposals are currently being ran.

Model Applications
each with a general 4 pages flyer and extensive dossier
of online tools and modulable files, including tabel-files,
presentation-files, prints and multicriteria databases.

SocietalSystem is the equivalent of a new discipline,  needing learning and practicing time.
The StS-Platform is not a "website", rather a repository of modulable documents.
for collecting data, research, deliberations, public governance, management and way of life.

StS-Pilot Geo-Territories

1. Global - Main flyer:
* Global StS-Partnership Proposals include: ...voir:

2a. Région de Wallonie - Main flyer:
One of the 10.000 or so 'e-Regions" of the world, that, within the StS-Approach, constitute the central geo-subsidiary levels for coordinating the world's socio-economy and finance.
The Wallonie region is an optimum e-region model with a population density of 230 hab. / km², plenty of forest, water and agriculture areas, beyond be close to the Brussels region, with which it has a francophone community relation and public entity. the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
* Wallonie StS-Partnership Proposals include: UNamur spéc. Fac Politique, UCL, ULiège, Ministre-Présidence Wallonie, Parlement Wallon, Gouvernements Provinciaux, Gouvernement Namur Capitale, UWE, RTBF, Ecoles Supérieures et Secondaires, Société Civile, dans centre 'Mundo' et autres,  Journal L'Avenir,  Partis Politiques, FOREM, 

2b. Région de Bruxelles - Main flyer:
One of the hundred or so world cities of more than a million inhabitants, Brussels being as well the city with most international organization seats of the world,
mainly due to the presence of the main European Union entities.
* Bruxelles StS-Partnership Proposals include: Ministre-Présidence Région de Bruxelles, Parlement Bruxellois, Gouvernements 19 Communes, VUB, ULB, Ecoles Supérieures et Secondaires, TV Bruxelles,

3. Province de Namur
One of the 5 provinces of the Wallonie region of Belgium. Featuring a variety of urban and rural settlements, forests, agriculture fields, cultural and natural points of interest.
* Province de Namur StS-Partnership Proposals include: ...

4. Ville de Namur - Main flyer:
Capital city of the Wallonie region, on the confluence of the Samber and Meuse rivers. With 110.000 inhabitants, a medium size city as ther are some hundreds in the world.
* Ville de namur StS-Partnership Proposals include: ...

5. Quartier Neighborhood de Germinal, Section SousCommune Saint-Servais, Ville de Namur - Main flyer:
One of a network of 8 neighborhoods, permanently followed-up by the Namur city authorities, specially in terms of social well-being and socio-economy.
SocietalSystem proposes the establishment, in the Germinal neighborhood, of a pilot platform for societal street surveys and periodic deliberations of development opportunities,
in line with the UN SDG objectives and Climate Change inititiatives, between other references.
Next, the other neighborhoods of the Namur network can replicate the model, gradually applied to the whole of the Wallony region.
* Quartier de Germinal StS-Partnership Proposals include: ...

Feel free to contact@societalsystem for applying the StS-System to any, read your urban neighborhood or village, province, region or country, wherever in the world.
See also StS-Street Surveys Platform, start initiatives for systemic down-up climate change plans with real impact.

StS-Training courses, 2-3 weeks intensive, for Research-Editors and Societal Managers, are being projected in the Wallonie or Brussels Region, as well as in the Algarve, Portugal.

Other places are possible as well, anywhere relevant in the world.
>,  +32 0485 591040

Academic theses, also doctoral, and year-end papers on SocietalSystem, including dozens of original topics, can be coached on request,
with possible finance through the StS-Partners and projected StS-Fund.

>,  +32 0485 591040

In chocking times, only chocking proposals and projects are realistic.
SocietalSystem Open Proposals to potential Global Partners
in order to constitute a Global StS-Consortium
preparing the creation of the Global StS-Foundation and StS-Enterprise.
Participate, suggest partners and areas of partnership.


Files related:
* StS-Intro Set Autumn 2019:
* StS-References Autumn 2019:
* StS-Glossary Autumn 2019:
* StS-Considerations Autumn 2019:
* StS-Proposals Series Autumn 2019: