SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's New Operating Complex
Open Partnership Proposals Series
Bank Sector
Autumn 2019
Information transmitted under non-circumvention principle, © SocietalSystem ( StS )
File under crowd-editing. Feel free to add, change, replicate and publish on your own-domain site.
Note: StS only links to own-domain sites.
Entities mentioned are not yet contacted, unless otherwise indicated !
Suggestions for partnership welcome.
> - GSM: +32 0485 591040
* UNEP Finance
* Principles for Responsible Banking signed by 130 Banks, september 2019
* High Level Dialogue on Financing for Development
* .....
StS-Partnership Proposal to ING Bank, september 2019
Details for each item under development.
Information transmitted under non-circumvention principle, © SocietalSystem ( StS )
Note: ING is one of the 30 banks preparing the Principles for Responsible Banking, signed by 130 Banks on september 23 2019.
1. 1a. ING becomes the exclusive bank for all future entities created and coached by SocietalSystem, worldwide.
1b. A special bank account type has to be conceived for this.
1c. ING can apply this in any country through one or more of its bank-partners.
2. SocietalSystem inserts a link to ING on all current and future homepages of the StS-Platform.
3. ING can be present at all StS-Events, worldwide.
4. The StS-Societal Funds are deposited at ING.
5. ING, together with its partner banks, provides to the StS-Complex worldwide a value of gradually 1.000.000 € per year.
First year apport, 250.000 €, fully to be used for the establishment of the Global StS-Enterprise and Foundation.
6. ING, and its bank partners, invests gradually towards 2030, all its clients' deposits in environmentally sustainable
and socially inclusive projects, and desinvests in non-sustainable objects.
A quarterly report on this transition has to be published online.
7. ING has a seat on the future StS-Foundation, supervizing the whole StS-Complex.
Its opinion and proposals to the StS-Complex are online published, as for all other members.
Suggest other item ...
Suggest other bank as Global StS-Partner Bank.
> - GSM +32 0485 591040
Date: 26.09.2019
Mail: - GSM +32 0485 591040
© SocietalSystem ( StS )
Files related:
* StS-Intro Set Autumn 2019:
* StS-References Autumn 2019:
* StS-Glossary Autumn 2019:
* StS-Considerations Autumn 2019:
* StS-Proposals Series Autumn 2019: