e-Society Complex
and Societal DynamizationNorth-South-South Societal Development Cooperation Platform Constructing a Societal Alliance with Global Impact
Socio-economy Meta-Networks
Villages Neighborhoods
Europe > Africa > ACP > World
North-South-South Socio-economy Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Mediterra > Africa > ACP > World.
Project Proposal Societal Event 2015 Brussels
ACP = countries Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Islands, with special agreement with the European Union.A
complete societal re-engineering platform for socio-economy
and finance, concerted for Europe and Africa, with proactive people-to-people interaction. And with systemic crisis-resolving impact for the whole of society, worldwide.
It combines, and put in practice on local level, in a first stage for Europe and Africa, all aspects of societal innovation as open data, open knowledge, collective awareness,
open democracy, open networks, collaborative economy, and much more,
adding however one of the missing aspects, a system and platform of modulable tools, also offline workable.
The links between Europe and Africa are probably the most interwoven of any two continents.
Their future wellbeing as well is exceptionally interdependent.
strongly e-driven, preferential socio-economic alliance between their
regions, municipalities, and specially their villages and neighborhoods,
probably the most effective complex of solutions for the whole range of
human challenges, for both continents and for the world.
SocietalSystem proposes
the launching of an historic plan to proactively construct a coupled
meta-network of villages and neighborhoods, i.e. people-to-people, all
over Europe and Africa.
It might be the missing sparkle to motivate
citizens to proactively take part in the co-governance of their
village, town, region, country and continent.
All conscious public and private actors in societal development and transition are welcome to join this enterprise.
with elected representatives, responsables for public
institutions, enterprises, nonprofit organizations, schools
and media,
and specially societally proactive citizens. Reference: Africa-Europe, The Indispensable Alliance, Louis Michel, European Commission, 2007, pdf

to the unique SocietalSystem-System of Codes, Classifications and Layout, all
documents of all local to global units of all networks,
fit in the whole dynamic complex, presented by the cube above. More,
they all are modulable and workable, also offline.
All actors have
direct access to the SocietalSystem-Server, where internet is available, so
the whole system is permanently updated in real time,
including directly from offices, conference and decision rooms.
SocietalSystem-System is an unmatched crowd-model composed of a central
matrix, with technical features provided by numerous global-to-local
in the fields of open data, information, research, management, finance, marketing, training, etc.

Download the Clickable and Modulable Diagram Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe AfricaSocietalSystem-DataBase with all 74.000 European and 35.000 African Municipalities, Regions and Countries, shortly available to partners and cooperants,
featuring the whole dynamic complex of all Socio-economy Networks, in only one single file.Navigation Page 50+ Categories Socio-economy Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa Socio-economy Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa - Extended Navigation Page Societal DataBank, example Burkina Faso A unique platform, featuring a set of webpages, table-files, presentation-files and databases
on all essential aspects of any village, town, country and continent, and of the world.
Crowd-Researched and Edited by all concerned entities and people.
Global-Local Exchanges Platform, example Burkina Faso A unique system, cross-over linking all countries, and many regions and cities of the world, on 16 categories,
including Information, Research, Import, Export, Tourisme, Culture, Convivial Socio-economy Networks Platform, example Burkina FasoAnother unique system, covering 45+ Regional Network Categories of Local Enterprises and Service Associations,
with extensive societal business plans each, all cross-over connected,
and driving on the same e-system, still locally and regionally owned and managed.
Figures preliminary, to be corrected.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Crowd-Research Program. Invitation. Shortly online.
Compairison 20th Century Mercantilist Socio-economy and Finance Model vs 21st Century Convivial Socio-economy Model
Data per Sector, Products and Service, and per Country, Region and Municipality, in priority for all Countries Europe and Africa, gradually for all Countries of the World.Join this exceptional research and consequent implementation challenge, with your university, higher education school, secondary school,
civil society and enterprise organization and local-to-global public institution, as well as elected representative, public official, journalist, student, professor, manager,
and last but not least as societally proactive citizen.Part of this Crowd-Research Programe-Villages and e-Neighborhoods Models Europe > Africa a highly e-rationalized micro-local community model,
contains a standard societal organization, business and finance plan
for its functioning within the region, country and the world,
ready to replicate and adapt for any village or neighborhood in the world.
e-Villages, and their urban equivalent e-Neighborhoods, should drive on a strong regional socio-economy circuit,
and guarantee an optimum quality of life for its population, withouth financial debt neither unapropriate economic dependency,
combined with a high conservation degree of the whole of nature, locally-to-globally.
Navigation Page 50+ Categories Socio-economy Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa Socio-economy Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa - Extended Navigation PagePilot Meta-NetworksMéta-Réseaux Energie Solaire Villages Quartiers Europe > Afrique Join this unique, pilot Nort-South-South crowd-initiative. Schools, enterprises, public institutions, ngos and proactive citizens welcome !An immense potential of convivializing socio-economy, with thousands of jobs and investment opportunities.Méta-Réseaux Bio-Agriculture Villages Quartiers Europe > AfriqueA hundred similar projects are being prepared to be launched, in various languages, all connected in one meta-plan, from 2015,
all based on the same code, classification and layout system, and starting with a program of street crowd-surveys.In cooperation with schools, public institutions, civil society and business organizations.
Free live demos available, english french dutch portuguese, with screen sharing by skype: globplex.
Send requests to Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
Applications to the main SocietalSystem-Classifications
SocietalSystem-Planning SocietalSystemTree incl. Societal Spheres-Flow, with download Tables and Presentations
SocietalSystem-Planning World Geo-Territories, with download Tables and Presentations
SocietalSystem-Planning Societal Sectors, with download Tables and Presentations
SocietalSystem-Planning Disciplines, with download Tables and Presentations
SocietalSystem-Planning Societal Entities, with download Tables and Presentations
Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
Study Learning Training Coaching Syllabus
Training Program Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
SiteMap Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa - Key-Diagram Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
SocietalSystem FindEngine
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Blank Document Models
Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
SocietalSystem Documents
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SocietalSystem-Sites Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa - Key-Checklists
Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
SocietalSystem Spheres-Flow
Applications Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa -
Societal Sectors
Applications Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
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Applications Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
Applications Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa -
Societal Entities
Applications Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
Promo Cards
Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa - Promo Posters
Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
3-fold Flyers Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa -
Promo Video
Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa -
Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
Intro-Promo Slideshow
Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa - Synoptic Triptych Set
Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
Key-References Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa - Quotations Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
Holistic Thinking Applications Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa - Key-Survey Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
Top-Indicators DashBoard Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
Societal e-Transition 2025 Proposals and
Projects Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
SocietalSystem-Tasks List Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa -
Global Supervisor Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
SocietalSystem Operating Features Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
SocietalSystem-Packages Products Services
Events Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
SocietalSystem Associates and Partners Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > Africa
SocietalSystem Crowd-Construction Program Meta-Networks Villages Neighborhoods Europe > AfricaSocietalSystem is looking for a Global Supervisor to overview and coordinate the elaboration and construction of each Meta-Network, listed below or other.
This can include the supervision of one or more Global Sector Platforms.
mastering of english, french and another major language is required,
plus very good knowledge of the given sector and its underlying
preparation of the related dossiers, which takes about on month
fulltime work, partners are contacted for research, training,
administration and finance of the networks, globally and per country
and region.
SocietalSystem-Supervisor can take on a major function in the global
structure, and recieve a share in the net revenue of the global
Info: skype: globplex.
e-Society Complex System
- SocietalSystem
Central Homepage
Synoptic MetaSitemap - SocietalSystem-DataBank -
Outline - SocietalSystem-FindEngine
SocietalSystem Deliberation Forum
Update: 19.03.2015
SocietalSystem-Supervisor: Boudewijn De Graeve +32 474 294587
Skype: skype: globplex

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