SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's Operating Complex
SocietalSystem Central Sitemap

North-South-South Societal Development Cooperation Platform - North-South-South Meta-Networks Local Socio-economy Micro-Entities
Socio-economy Meta-Networks of Local Micro-Entities,
North-South-South Europe > Africa

General Table - Checklist

Socio-economy Meta-Networks Extended Navigation Page
 including Links to Networks HomeSite - Related e-Village and e-Neighborhood Section - Related World Countries Navigation Page
Related Societal Sectors - Related Disciplines + Link to Pilot Country Applications

SocietalSystem is looking for a Global Supervisor to overview and coordinate the elaboration and construction of each Meta-Network, listed below or other.
This can include the supervision of one or more Global Sector Platforms.
Advanced mastering of english, french and another major language is required, plus very good knowledge of the given sector and its underlying disciplines.
After preparation of the related dossiers, which takes about on month fulltime work, partners are contacted for research, training, administration and finance of the networks, globally and per country and region.
The SocietalSystem-Supervisor can take on a major function in the global structure, and recieve a share in the net revenue of the global structure.
Info: skype: globplex.

Infrastructures, products and services of most of the given Networks below are part of the Integrated Societal e-Village, a highly e-rationalized micro-local community model,
that contains a standard societal organization, business and finance plan for its functioning within the region, country and the world,
ready to replicate and adapt for any village or neighborhood in the world.
e-Villages, or their urban equivalent e-Neighborhoods, should drive on a strong regional socio-economy circuit,
and guarantee an optimum quality of life for its population, withouth financial debt neither unapropriate economic dependency,
combined with a high conservation degree of the whole of nature, locally-to-globally.

StSNmr: 12 - StSTop: pai - StSFil: mc0106.ansea
Page Update: 15.02.2015
Author(s): SocietalSystem-Editors
Contact e-Mail:

NrStSTopStSFil Title Remarks


Selection of the Top Priority Networks, worldwide.
To be adapted per Region.
Indicated in the Remarks column.
Criteria include: essential units to start a dynamics for generating a local convivial socio-economy tissue and circuit, always in network within an "e-Region", as Provinces, Préfectures, Districts, Medium and Large Cities, etc.

0.2wavaa9625 Organization of Surveys at the Population on Local Micro-Entities
pxvsv0121 See also: Street Surveys, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
0.4kqzsp0102 Organization of School Projects on Local Micro-Entities
0.5pqjaa9824 Organization of Fairs on Local Micro-Entities
1Horizontal Network Services Series,
covering the whole Meta-Network, organized in partnership with specialized institutions, organizations and enterprises
, per Country, Region or Municipality, where relevant.
1.1pzeaahs0501Europe > Africa Meta-Network General Coordination and Societal Steering
1.2pzeabhs0502Europe > Africa Meta-Network Administration
1.3pzeachs0503Europe > Africa Meta-Network Accounting
1.4pzeadhs0504Europe > Africa Meta-Network Legal Services
1.5pzeaehs0505Europe > Africa Meta-Network Marketing and Public Relations
1.6pzeafhs0506Europe > Africa Meta-Network ICT
1.7pzeaghs0507Europe > Africa Meta-Network Energy
1.8pzeahhs0508Europe > Africa Meta-Network Finance Services
1.9pzeaihs0509Europe > Africa Meta-Network Transport
1.10pzeajhs0510Europe > Africa Meta-Network Quality Control


Pages Files Links
2.1.1 acueagb0025 Local Societal Centers, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.1.2 kqheaaa7916 Convivial Campus, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.1.3 kxaeaaa7915 Personal Pools, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.1.4 kqaeaat0143 Residential e-Clusters, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.1.5 xpceags0103 Money-Free Exchange GlocoShops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.1.6 kyvea pm0110 Local Nature Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network  
2.1.7 kywea pm1181 Local Immo Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network  
2.1.8 kyxea pm1182 Local Investment Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network  
2.1.9 kyzea pm1183 Local Jobs Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.1.10 kwdea pm1180 Local Social Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network ( Money-free Exchanges )  
2.1.11 kweea pm1184 Local Events Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network  
2.1.12 kwfea pm1185 Local Bookings Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network  
2.1.13 kwgea pm1186 Local Travel and Tourism Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network  
2.1.14 kwhea pm1187 Local Money Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network  
2.2.1kqpeapm0110 Local Palms Crafts Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.2ksgeapm1101 Local Wood Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.3ksseapm1102 Local Electro Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.4kygeapm1103 Local Bicycle Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.5ksreapm1106 Local Convivial Crafts Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.6kyeeapm1108 Local Construction Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.7kqbeapm1138 Local Bazars, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.8ksfeapm1139 Local Guest Houses and Rooms, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.9kspeapm1140 Local Health Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.10ksweapm1142 Local Laundries, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.11kxleapm1143 Local Second Hand Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.12ksyeapm1144 Local Food Shops of Local Food, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.13ksoeapm1145 Local Units Public Spaces Maintenance, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.14ksqeapm1146 Local CarShare Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.15ksheapm1147 Local Tree Nurseries, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.16ksjeapm1148 Local Water Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.17ksneapm1150 Local Sanitaries, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.18ksueapm1153 Local ParaMedical Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.19kmleapm1154 Local Composting Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.20ksmeapm1155 Local Small and Medium Agriculture Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.21ksveapm1157 Local Children Houses, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.22kdoeapm1160 Local Museums for Local Objects, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.23kseeapm1161 Local Sports Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.24kbeeapm1163 Biological Vegetables Gardens, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.25kudeapm1164 Local Youth Houses Age 9-12, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.26kslbapm1165 Local Seniors Houses, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.27kydeapm1166 Convivial Restaurants-Kitchens, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.28ksteapm1167 Local Home Services Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.29ksbeapm1168 Local Techno-Shops, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.30kszeapm1169 Green Rest Points, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.31ksxeapm1510 Local Open Air Theaters, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.32ksieapm1512 Local Waste Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.33kugeapm1175 Local Youth Houses Age 15-18, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.34kuceapm1172 Local Fishing Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.35kueeapm1174 Local Manual Transport Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.36 kuhea pm1176 Local Youth Houses Age 12-15, Europe > Africa Meta-Network
2.2.37 kzxea pm1514 Local Apiculture Units, Europe > Africa Meta-Network

3   Applications





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