SocietalSystem ( StS )
Societal Re-engineering Platform
SocietalSystem-DataBank and Societal Dynamization
SocietalSystem ( StS ) SocietalSystem-System General HomepageSocietalSystem ( StS ) System OutlineSocietalSystem ( StS ), Societal Operating System, General Site.
Power lines for the post-crisis local-global society organization model.
Sections 01 to 09: Diagonal Dimension of the SocietalSystem-DataBank Cube.
Related SocietalSystem-Domains include: SocietalSystem Root-Platform,
Key-Dossiers include: Operational SocietalSystem-Charter, SocietalSystem-Strategy, SocietalSystem-ThinkTank and Start Nucleus,
Post-Crisis Society Model, diagram
Related SocietalSystem-Entities and SocietalSystem-Functions: Global e-Society Foundation
Potential SocietalSystem e-Consortium Partners: ...
Download the latest version of SocietalSystem' core mission Post-Crisis Society Model Key-Diagram
Reflexion for thaught: SocietalSystem constitutes kind of a needed, still, virtual fifth power,
after the legislation, executive, legal and media entities.
The first four - pretend to - represent or work for the citizens., the fifth is, or has to be, the citizens.
SocietalSystem-Platform Central Homepage
SocietalSystem ( StS ) System Training Program
SocietalSystem ( StS ) System Study Learning Training and Coaching Syllabus
SocietalSystem Synoptic MetaSitemap - SocietalSystem-DataBank - SocietalSystem-Domains Outline - SocietalSystem-FindEngine DataBase
SocietalSystem Deliberation Forum
01 aao SocietalSystem-Conceptus
02 acf SocietalSystem-Operational System
03 aag SocietalSystem-System Info-IT
04 vbq SocietalSystem-DataBank
05 aam Crowd-Research System-Program
06 aan e-Societal Co-Governance Platform
07 aas Convivial Socio-Economy System
08 aax SocietalSystem-Training and Learning Program
09 aij SocietalSystem-Communication System
SocietalSystem ( StS ) =
global = general, wholistic, holistic, ...
e- = evolutive, educational, electronic, ...
( evolutive = improving, opposite involutive = degrading - ancient greek verb theoo = evolve, develop, cfr. 'theos' )
society = all components of human life and humanity's organization, within the biosphere and the reachable outer space, ...
complex = dynamic system of interdependent concepts, beings, instruments, infrastructures and initiatives, ...
see also Complexity, the natural, dynamic state of existence.
Societal Operating Systems
SocietalSystem concept' understanding challenge.
The main difficulty in understanding
the SocietalSystem project, is the lack of understanding of what is a
'societal operating system',
including the absence of this topic in conventional research and, even higher, education.
Often, societal operating systems are confounded with political regimes, which are only part of the system,
being in many cases their formal, visible support.
Also the controversial 'New World Order' concept, is in fact a worldwide financial-economic and subsequent political regime.
The study of societal operating systems should be a basic part in all training programs,
including its implications in governance, business, social welfare and culture.
The lack of it is like ordering holidays in a hotel, through a website with marvellous pictures inside,
and discovering upon arriving that it is surrounded by appalling and stinking waste belts.
See also: SocietalSystem Deliberation Forum
SocietalSystem Societal Spheres, or Sub-Complexes
Download the latest version of the SocietalSystem-System Spheres-Flow Diagram
The 01-09 Sections of the SocietalSystem-Tree represent the natural flow of sequences in any dynamic process,
collectively, personally and for any public and private entity.
Each of the Sections constitute the object of a major "Societal Sphere or Sub-Complex" within the SocietalSystem-System.
They are connected in a multidimensional way, as their specific components do.
Below are some of the priority components per Section, each of them being the object of an extensive SocietalSystem Dossier,
a Global Supervisor, a Syllabus and a Training Program.
01 aao SocietalSystem-Conceptus
Key-Dossiers include: Holistic Ratings and Indexes, Complexity, Holistic Logic and Thinking,
Geo-Subsidiarity, Societal Proactivity, Panergetic Price System,
Personal Core Values and Qualities, Collective Core Values and Qualities,
ICAS Management, Transparency, Holistic Demystifications, Aberrations, Contradictions, Societal Myths,
02 acf SocietalSystem-Operational System
Key-Dossiers include: SocietalSystem Operational Cube, Glocomerate' of Global-Local SocietalSystem-Entities,
SocietalSystem Planning System, SocietalSystem Societal Business Models, SocietalSystem Societal Business Plans,
SocietalSystem e-Regions Franchising System, Local SocietalSystem-Centers, Societal Operating Roadmaps, ...
SocietalSystem Global e-Consortium Project, SocietalSystem Brussels Societal Center, Triptych 3-Screen System-Network
Global Crowd-Conferences Network-Program, e-Region Networks of Local Micro-Enterprises
See also below: Section 21 aih Geo-Territories
SocietalSystem-Professions, Personal Functions and Jobs,
Stakeholders of SocietalSystem, SocietalSystem-Thinktanks and Start Nuclei, SocietalSystem-Shareholders
SocietalSystem e-Consortium Associates, SocietalSystem-Staff,
SocietalSystem-Topics Global Supervisors, SocietalSystem Research-Editors, SocietalSystem e-Regional Sectoral e-Coachers
SocietalSystem Local e-Coachers, SocietalSystem Local Convivial Enterprise Managers
Societal Streetwatchers and Convivial Mediators, SocietalSystem-Freelancers,
SocietalSystem-Partners, SocietalSystem-Pro-Members, SocietalSystem-Pri-Members
Public Institutions, Business Enterprises, NonProfit Organizations, Schools, Media, Citizens
Related: SocietalSystem-Entities, Societal Management Professions and Jobs
03 aag SocietalSystem-System Info-IT
Key-Dossiers include: SocietalSystem-Server System, Hardware,
Open Source and Conventional Desktop Software, SocietalSystem Multi-File Dossiers System
SocietalSystem-Codes, SocietalSystem-Classifications, SocietalSystem-Components System, SocietalSystemTree Key-Classification,
Layout System, SocietalSystem-Hardware, SocietalSystem Desktop-Software, SocietalSystem-Server System,
Personal SocietalSystem-Keys, Professional SocietalSystem-Disks, SocietalSystem PC, SocietalSystem Laptop,
Triptych 3-Screens System, Crowd-conferencing System, Societal Information System, ...
04 vbq SocietalSystem-DataBank
Key-Dossiers include: SocietalSystem-FindEngine, SocietalSystem Standard Sitemaps System,
Horizontal Navigation Pages
05 aam Crowd-Research System-Program
Key-Dossiers include: World Top Indicators DashBoard, Societal School Projects, Surveys, Audits,
World Streets Survey Program, Local Co-Planning System-Program, Holistic-Societal Rating System, Holistic Identity and Societal Role,
06 aan e-Societal Co-Governance Platform
Key-Dossiers include: Societal Indicators e-DashBoards, GlocoParty Proactive Co-Governance Groups,
World Co-Governance e-Resort, Local-Global e-Transition Plans >2020+, Societal Emergency Plans,
Transparency in Public Governance, SocietalSystem-System Public Budgets.
Societal Streetwatchers and Convivial Mediators
07 aas Convivial Socio-Economy System
Key-Dossiers include: Regional and Local Societal Investment System
Panergetic Price System, Post-crisis Financial-Fiscal System,
World Meta-Network e-Regional Networks of Local Micro-Entities
: Méta-Plan Trans-Crise Europe-Afrique
08 aax SocietalSystem-Training and Learning Program
Key-Dossiers include:SocietalSystem Global Diagonal Training System , SocietalSystem-System Didactics,
Societal Consulting and Coaching System,
SocietalSystem Training-Modules System, Societal School Projects, Rural Training Months Africa
SocietalSystem Societal Workshops-for-All - SocietalSystem Study Learning Training Coaching Syllabi
09 aij SocietalSystem-Communication System
Key-Dossiers SocietalSystem-Packages of Products and Services
provided with Global and e-Regional Partners, e-Societal Campaigns
SiteMap SocietalSystem ( StS ) System
SocietalSystem FindEngine SocietalSystem ( StS ) System - Horizontal Navigation Pages SocietalSystem ( StS ) System
SocietalSystem Documents Flow SocietalSystem ( StS ) System
Promo Cards SocietalSystem ( StS ) System - Promo Posters SocietalSystem ( StS ) System
3-fold Flyers SocietalSystem ( StS ) System - Promo Video SocietalSystem ( StS ) System
Intro-Promo Slideshow SocietalSystem ( StS ) System - Synoptic Triptych Set SocietalSystem ( StS ) System
Training Program SocietalSystem ( StS ) System
Key-References SocietalSystem ( StS ) System - Holistic Thinking Applications SocietalSystem ( StS ) System
Societal Top-Indicators DashBoard SocietalSystem ( StS ) System
Societal e-Transition 2025 Proposals and Projects SocietalSystem ( StS ) System
SocietalSystem-Tasks List SocietalSystem ( StS ) System
Update: 29.09.2014

© SocietalSystem ( StS )
The SocietalSystem ( StS ), abbreviation SocietalSystem and central domain,
is, currently, still a project in the ethymological sense,
an architecture of ideas, documents and related contacts, going on in a number of countries.
SocietalSystem has not yet any formal statute. Various formulas are under consideration.
SocietalSystem is conceived by Boudewijn De Graeve, with the voluntary proactive support of a hundred citizens,
from all ranges of society, in a dozen countries.
Laboratory and primary hosting country of SocietalSystem is Portugal, with major experiences in Morocco,
Hungary, Belgium, France, DR Congo and Cape Verde.
The USA, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany and Spain are other countries with contributing features.
The central headquarters of SocietalSystem are projected to be based in Portugal,
with other global seats in Morocco, Hungary, Spain, and other countries.
Boudewijn De Graeve is currently residing in Hasselt, Belgium.
He can be contacted, for enquiries as well as for conferences, workshops and courses,
by mail at, and at skype 'globplex'.