SocietalSystem ( StS )

Humanity's Operating Complex

Societal Platform

Platform for the crowd-construction of a convivial and sustainable society model, applied to Luxembourg.

Sectoral Sitemap Luxembourg
500+ Pages and Files, ready for Research, Editing and Societal Dynamization.

European Parliament Elections May 2019 - StS-Interventions

SocietalSystem is looking for Supervisors in each Eu-Country and Region,
with special attention and features to the European Parliament Elections in May 2019.
Interested ? Mail your references to
See also: 
EU Citizens' steered Societal Deliberations and Elections 2019 Plan


Standard Basic Files

also part of all sites, listed above.

SiteMap Luxembourg Societal Platform - Key-Diagram Luxembourg Societal Platform
SocietalSystem FindEngine Luxembourg Societal Platform -
Horizontal Navigation Pages Luxembourg Societal Platform
Blank Document Models Luxembourg Societal Platform
SocietalSystem Documents Flow Luxembourg Societal Platform - Related SocietalSystem-Sites Luxembourg Societal Platform
Key-Terms Luxembourg Societal Platform - Key-Checklists Luxembourg Societal Platform
SocietalSystem Spheres-Flow Applications Luxembourg Societal Platform -
Societal Sectors Applications Luxembourg Societal Platform - Disciplines  Applications Luxembourg Societal Platform
Geo-Territorial Applications Luxembourg Societal Platform - Societal Entities Applications Luxembourg Societal Platform
Promo Cards Luxembourg Societal PlatformPromo Posters Luxembourg Societal Platform
3-fold Flyers Luxembourg Societal Platform
- Promo Video Luxembourg Societal Platform
 Intro-Promo Slideshow Luxembourg Societal Platform - Synoptic Triptych Set Luxembourg Societal Platform

Key-References Luxembourg Societal Platform - Quotations Luxembourg Societal Platform
Holistic Thinking Aflgications
Luxembourg Societal Platform
- Key-Survey Luxembourg Societal Platform
Societal Top-Indicators DashBoard Luxembourg Societal Platform
Societal e-Transition 2025 Proposals and Projects Luxembourg Societal Platform
SocietalSystem-Tasks List Luxembourg Societal Platform - Global Supervisor Luxembourg Societal Platform
SocietalSystem Operating Features Luxembourg Societal Platform - SocietalSystem-Packages Products Services Events Luxembourg Societal Platform
SocietalSystem Associates and Partners Luxembourg Societal Platform

Date:: 28.12.2018


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