SocietalSystem ( StS )

Humanity's Operating Complex

The Netherlands
Societal Platform

Platform for the crowd-construction of a convivial and sustainable society model, applied to The Netherlands.

Sectoral Sitemap The Netherlands
500+ Pages and Files, ready for Research, Editing and Societal Dynamization.

European Parliament Elections May 2024 - StS-Interventions

SocietalSystem is looking for Supervisors in each Eu-Country and Region,
with special attention and features to the European Parliament Elections in May 202024.
Interested ? Mail your references to
See also: 
EU Citizens' steered Societal Deliberations and Elections 2024 Plan

Person-Planet Alliances
Replacing party-politics by citizens' steered down-up societal crowd-governance.
Among other tasks, executing the societal systemic legislation proposals.

Horizontal Navigation Page Global-Local Societal Governance Alliance, World Geo-Territories
Person-Planet Alliance Netherlands

Societal (S)Elections, The Netherlands
beyond party politics, steered by citizens' local governance deliberations
See Nederland Provicies en Gemeenten moduleerbare listings.

Horizontal Navigation Page The Netherlands Relations with 200+ World Geo-Territories
The Netherlands Global-Local Exchanges Platformi

Algarve Region ( Portugal ) Relations Netherlands
SocietalSystem is looking for
citizens from the Netherlands, residing in the Algarve, Portugal,
to set-up a SocietalSystem-Platform Netherlands in the Algarve,
in cooperation with a similar platform on all other expat communities
in the Algarve. See details at the link above.


Standard Basic Files

also part of all sites, listed above.

SiteMap The Netherlands Societal Platform - Key-Diagram The Netherlands Societal Platform
SocietalSystem FindEngine The Netherlands Societal Platform -
Horizontal Navigation Pages The Netherlands Societal Platform
Blank Document Models The Netherlands Societal Platform
SocietalSystem Documents Flow The Netherlands Societal Platform - Related SocietalSystem-Sites The Netherlands Societal Platform
Key-Terms The Netherlands Societal Platform - Key-Checklists The Netherlands Societal Platform
SocietalSystem Spheres-Flow Applications The Netherlands Societal Platform -
Societal Sectors Applications The Netherlands Societal Platform - Disciplines  Applications The Netherlands Societal Platform
Geo-Territorial Applications The Netherlands Societal Platform - Societal Entities Applications The Netherlands Societal Platform
Promo Cards The Netherlands Societal PlatformPromo Posters The Netherlands Societal Platform
3-fold Flyers The Netherlands Societal Platform
- Promo Video The Netherlands Societal Platform
 Intro-Promo Slideshow The Netherlands Societal Platform - Synoptic Triptych Set The Netherlands Societal Platform

Key-References The Netherlands Societal Platform - Quotations The Netherlands Societal Platform
Holistic Thinking Afntications
The Netherlands Societal Platform
- Key-Survey The Netherlands Societal Platform
Societal Top-Indicators DashBoard The Netherlands Societal Platform
Societal e-Transition 2025 Proposals and Projects The Netherlands Societal Platform
SocietalSystem-Tasks List The Netherlands Societal Platform - Global Supervisor The Netherlands Societal Platform
SocietalSystem Operating Features The Netherlands Societal Platform - SocietalSystem-Packages Products Services Events The Netherlands Societal Platform
SocietalSystem Associates and Partners The Netherlands Societal Platform

Date: 03.07.2022


Skype: societalsystem

? SocietalSystem ( StS )