SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's New Operating Complex
www.societalsystem.comStS-Transition Plan 2020-2030
Global-Local Societal Governance Alliance
We are all connected and interdependent !
Building-out a complementary interaction, locally to globally, is the basis for surviving and thriving socio-economically.
Much beyond individualistic, short term competition, manifestation of a 4-5 years mental-societal age.
Societal Engagement Network
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network.The central initiative, sine-qua-non to empower any other initiative for health and happiness for the planet and its people.
More: without personal societal engagements, as much as possibly openly, no solutions for the world crises are having effect.
75+ % of all measures, needed to save the worlds' nature, improve personal health,
and instore human conviviality worldwide, in a systemic way,
can be taken without any change of law, perfectly legally,
and without any provocation, street protests or opposition actions !!!
Horizontal Navigation Page
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network - Citizens Groups,
for 250 World Geo-Territories
Societal Engagement Forms for Download
Global-Local Societal Engagement Objects Individual Persons
Global-Local Societal Engagement Objects Groups
Global-Local Societal Engagement Objects Local Small Businesses
Global-Local Societal Engagement Objects Regional Medium Businesses
Global-Local Societal Engagement Objects National and Continental Large Businesses
Global-Local Societal Engagement Objects Global Corporate Businesses
Personal Societal Engagement Objects and Fields,
all legal actions in any country, include:
Swithch to vegetarism, Do not or stop smoking, Avoid artificially suggared food and drinks,
Buy second-hand clothes and household objects, as much as possible,
Eat regional season food, Practice naturism where appropriate, Drink not or only a minimum alcohol,
Reduce all superfluous objects in house, Avoid buying-using excessively packed consumption products,
Devest your money from the stock markets, Invest your money in societally responsable projects,
Swithch from social media networks to an Own-Domain Site,
Work in or for a societally engaged entity, or create one,
Don't vote for political parties that do not apply local-regional deliberative societal governance programs,
Do not vote for political candidates with already two mandates in office,
Take proactively part or organize global-local delivberative societal governance inititives,
Avoid to use any form of credit or debt,
Share locally cars and other technological equipments, ...
Professional Societal Engagement Objects and Fields,
all legal actions in any country, include:
Avoid importing-selling products that are or can be produced in your region,
Applicate an advantage to Personal or Professional Applicants of a Societal Engagement,
Avoid creating commercial or nonprofit entities that already exist and function well in your area,
Re-invest 50+ % of all profit of your entity in regional or local initiatives,
Abstain to invest your money on the stock market or any other speculative platforms,
Peole who openly declare to Global-Local Societal Engagement Objects
published on their Own-Domain Site, will have acces to the eGloc Societal Exchange and Solidarity Network, worldwide.
They also will get substantial reductions in purchasing goods and services of other adherents,
and advanced conditions, up to free access on the whole of all SocietalSystem-Packages.
How it works
1. Download the form of your case, above.
2. Fill it in.
3. Publish it on your Own-domain Site
4. Send a mail with link to
and to any other person or entity of your choice.
4b. Send possibly a list of people an entities tht you have informed
5. Join, on one or more Thematic Forums or Clubs of your choice.

Solution ?
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network.
Projected to launch in the autumn of 2020.
Join to conceive and spread it.
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Study Learning Training Coaching Syllabus
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
World Societal Workshops Program
Training Program Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
SiteMap Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Key-Diagram Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
SocietalSystem FindEngine
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Horizontal Navigation
Pages Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Blank Document Models
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
SocietalSystem Documents
Flow Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
SocietalSystem-Sites Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
SocietalSystem Spheres-Flow
Applications Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Societal Sectors
Applications Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Applications Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Applications Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Societal Entities
Applications Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Promo Cards
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Promo Posters
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
3-fold Flyers Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Promo Video
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Intro-Promo Slideshow
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Synoptic Triptych Set
Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Key-References Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Quotations Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Holistic Thinking Applications Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Key-Survey Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Top-Indicators DashBoard Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Societal e-Transition 2025 Proposals and
Projects Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
SocietalSystem-Tasks List Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Global Supervisor Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
SocietalSystem Operating Features Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
SocietalSystem-Packages Products Services
Events Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
SocietalSystem Associates and Partners Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
SocietalSystem Crowd-Research and Construction Program Global-Local Societal Engagement Network
Update: 18.07.2020

? SocietalSystem ( StS )