SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's New Operating Complex
www.societalsystem.comStS Natural Convivial Revival Platform
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Surviving System and Reserve Kits.War, pandemics, tsunamis, local violence, nuclear or chemical escapes or whatever desaster,
securing a surviving system and reserve kits is vital for everyone, everywhere.
The present StS-Site will gradually contain all documents, in modulable format, to study,
deliberate, plan and apply survival systems and kits, per country and region in the world.
Download Model Surviving System and Reserve Kits Geo-Territorial Outline, Algarve, Portugal
ready to elaborate for 1.200+ towns, villages and hamlets
Download the latest version of the Diagram Surviving System and Reserve Kits
EU Food Reserves, Euractiv 29.05.2020
Agriculture Stratégies ThinkTank
FAO UN Food and Agriculture Organization
1. In preparation, to apply worldwide, per region:
Research-Editing and Deliberations Plan Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Deliberative Conferences, Theoretical Workshops and Practical Courses on Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Catalogues of Equipments, Products and Services on Surviving and on Reserve Kits
See model general Meta-Catalogues under construction: Algarve StS-Meta-Catalogue
2. On request, to organize in each town and village, worldwide
SocietalSystem Deliberative Workshops on Surviving Systems and Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Detailed data and modulable work documents per locality.
A realistic, systemic approach, without any panic attitude or doomsthinking.
3. Selection of Surviving System and Reserve Kits StS-Sites and Documents,
online or under construction
Surviving System and Reserve Kits Open Online Forum
Surviving System and Reserve Kits Videos
shortly in:
StS Natural Convivial Revival Platform
Contains dozens of related Sites and Documents
Horizontal Navigation Page Surviving System and Reserve Kits, World Geo-Territories
Matrix-site ready for 250 World Geo-Territories
Similar List per Region, Municipality and Micro-Locality, per Country
Table-File Surviving System and Reserve Kits, 1.200+ Geo-Territories of Algarve, Portugal
Table-File List of Family Expenses, model Belgium ( french )
Basis for elaborating similar lists per country and region,
with data on local recommanded products, production ways and providers of equipments and basic products.
Soil Occupation per Parcel, Current and Potential, per Region
See list Types of Soil Occupation, Portugal:
Outline of Imports of Vital Products, that can be Produced Regionally
See also: Global-Local Exchanges Imports Page, Algarve:
4. Standard StS-Documents
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Study Learning Training Coaching Syllabus
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
World Societal Workshops Program
Training Program Surviving System and Reserve Kits
SiteMap Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Key-Diagram Surviving System and Reserve Kits
SocietalSystem FindEngine
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Horizontal Navigation
Pages Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Blank Document Models
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
SocietalSystem Documents
Flow Surviving System and Reserve Kits
SocietalSystem-Sites Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
SocietalSystem Spheres-Flow
Applications Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Societal Sectors
Applications Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Applications Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Applications Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Societal Entities
Applications Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Promo Cards
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Promo Posters
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
3-fold Flyers Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Promo Video
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Intro-Promo Slideshow
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Synoptic Triptych Set
Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Key-References Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Quotations Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Holistic Thinking Applications Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Key-Survey Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Top-Indicators DashBoard Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Societal e-Transition 2025 Proposals and
Projects Surviving System and Reserve Kits
SocietalSystem-Tasks List Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Global Supervisor Surviving System and Reserve Kits
SocietalSystem Operating Features Surviving System and Reserve Kits
SocietalSystem-Packages Products Services
Events Surviving System and Reserve Kits
SocietalSystem Associates and Partners Surviving System and Reserve Kits
SocietalSystem Crowd-Research and Construction Program Surviving System and Reserve Kits
Update: 01.06.2020
? SocietalSystem ( StS )