One of the world's top systemic solutions to avoid, before 2030,
fatal climate change and biodiversity degradation.
With a global-local campaign for a "We-Eco Micro-Regions" world movement. Join now !
Global Network
We-Urb Convivial Neighborhoods We-Urb Convivial Neighborhoods.
We-Urb Convivial Neighborhoods,
in twin-connection with the analogue Rural Micro-REgions Platform, one of the top systemic answers to the combined biosphere degradation of the earth and to the social conviviality crisis of humanity.
We-Urb We-Urb Convivial Neighborhoods
are urban areas of about 5 kmē, for up to 7.500 inhabitants and temporary residents, with a panergetically positive footprint and a socially inclusive organization model. They are the smallest urban geo-territories in the SocietalSystem new socio-economy model. Millions of We-Urb We-Urb Convivial Neighborhoods
are proposed to be established worldwide. Pilot e-Region is the Brussels Region in Belgium, featuring 145 We-Urb Neighborhoods..