SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's New Operating Complex
www.societalsystem.comSocietal Geo-Politics and Policy
World Societal Governance Organization ( Project 2030 )
Global Societal e-Regions
Global Societal e-Regions.
Radically re-engineering the world's geo-territorial administrative outline.
Possibly towards 2030.
e-Regions are regions with a cultural, read language, ecological, economical and adminsitrative coherence.
They should become the key-platforms for societal governance,
nation-states gradually phading out or mainly coordinate and connect the e-regions.
There are about 12.000 e-regions in the world.
Global Societal e-Regions
Creating a parallel societal governance, socio-economy and way of life model,
for existing regions, as provinces, départements, large cities, kreiss, préfectures, etc.
A key-characteristic of Global Societal e-Regions is that they try to in practice take into account,
collectively and individually, a positive impact of their area on the whole world.
No country or region in the world is applying this principle,
although the related boomerang is coming back, harder and harder, worldwide, in a variety of forms.
Horizontal Navigation Page Global Societal e-Regions, World Geo-Territories, Europa e-Regions Network
From Portugal to the Ural, from Island to Istanbul.
1.500 e-Regions in one Network.
Roadmap to create a Global Societal e-Region
1. StS-Dossier Global Societal e-Region ABC
2. StS-Supervisor Global Societal e-Region ABC
3. StS-Consortium Global Societal e-Region ABC
3. StS-Campaign Global Societal e-Region ABC
directed to all Societal Entities.
Pilot e-Regions can include:
Global Societal e-Region Brussels, Belgium
Global Societal e-Region Algarve, Portugal
Priority test field
Europe Continent and European Union
European Parliament Elections 2024
Global Societal e-Regions Europe
Global Societal e-Regions
Study Learning Training Coaching Syllabus
Global Societal e-Regions
World Societal Workshops Program
Training Program Global Societal e-Regions
SiteMap Global Societal e-Regions
Key-Diagram Global Societal e-Regions
SocietalSystem FindEngine
Global Societal e-Regions
Horizontal Navigation
Pages Global Societal e-Regions
Blank Document Models
Global Societal e-Regions
SocietalSystem Documents
Flow Global Societal e-Regions
SocietalSystem-Sites Global Societal e-Regions
Global Societal e-Regions
Global Societal e-Regions
SocietalSystem Spheres-Flow
Applications Global Societal e-Regions
Societal Sectors
Applications Global Societal e-Regions
Applications Global Societal e-Regions
Applications Global Societal e-Regions
Societal Entities
Applications Global Societal e-Regions
Promo Cards
Global Societal e-Regions
Promo Posters
Global Societal e-Regions
3-fold Flyers Global Societal e-Regions
Promo Video
Global Societal e-Regions
Global Societal e-Regions
Global Societal e-Regions
Intro-Promo Slideshow
Global Societal e-Regions
Synoptic Triptych Set
Global Societal e-Regions
Key-References Global Societal e-Regions
Quotations Global Societal e-Regions
Holistic Thinking Applications Global Societal e-Regions
Key-Survey Global Societal e-Regions
Top-Indicators DashBoard Global Societal e-Regions
Societal e-Transition 2025 Proposals and
Projects Global Societal e-Regions
SocietalSystem-Tasks List Global Societal e-Regions
Global Supervisor Global Societal e-Regions
SocietalSystem Operating Features Global Societal e-Regions
SocietalSystem-Packages Products Services
Events Global Societal e-Regions
SocietalSystem Associates and Partners Global Societal e-Regions
SocietalSystem Crowd-Research and Construction Program Global Societal e-Regions
Update: 19.06.2020
? SocietalSystem ( StS )