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Humanity's New Operating Complex

250-Years Cycle Cognitive Revision Program
Conscientious Objection
Conscientious Objection.

Conscientious objection: making consciousness an object of analysis, a support for objection.
Refers to making a self-examination and seeing how we are out of step between what we think, say and what we do.

At the beginning, there is always an individual revolt against any oppression,
the price of the awareness that something is too much contrary to the values ​​that we carry,
to our feeling of good or of the general interest. The conscientious objector will then look
for a way to change things in a direction more in line with what their conscience commands.

If he does not find the means or is unable to do so, he will rationalize a "reason objection",
a defensive argument which will allow him to put the problem into perspective
and allow him to detach himself from it ("we cannot cannot accommodate all the misery in the world ”, etc.).
In this case, the reason is the tool of a defensive strategy, but it could in no way fill the distance established then
between the deep feeling (what I know to be right deep inside me) and the action.
This is what Henri Laborit calls the inhibition of action, the source of ...

But someone does not really get the name of conscientious objector
unless he decides not to be an active or passive accomplice of what strikes him.
If, for example, he decides to resign from a job the human consequences of which he considers unacceptable,
or to inform outside spokespersons who will denounce this or that scandal that he does not witness (Bradley Manning , Edward Snowden, etc.).
 I refuse to apply an addressee who seems to him to be absurd (refuznik).
 If he thwarts the logic of the institution, in the secrecy of his office, to better defend what believes right.

It is this logic of non-cooperation with oppression which makes the conscious subject an actor,
and which prepares him for the transition to civil disobedience, which is not just an extension of both collective and publicly assumed responsibility.


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