SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's New Societal
Crowd-Research, Learning and Organization Model

surpassing current dominant ideologies, religions, governance and economy systems,
education types, and individual way of life practices

To read
"Half of the major enterprises of the world would have to close
if they would pay their carbon emissions."

Novethic, july 2024

The triad sine-qua-non solutions for the world:
1. Replacing the GDP by the Panergetic Index and, in parallel, the mercantilist prices by Panergetic Prices
a revelation and correction of, now false and fooling, income, wealth and product prices,
as well as its impact on social welfare and the whole global environment.
A list of the so-called super-rich, and their so-called wealth, is indeed a societal fata morgana, that completely deforms reality,
as circus magicians fool their public.
Apart of the more than questionable, yes aberrant holistic-legal foundation.
See also the quote above.
A major and top priority for economics and law research and education, indeed.
See application in preparation on Portuguese sub-municipality Vila Nova da Baronia, Portugal:
Checklista Despesas Familias, Análise Panergética, Freguesia Vila Nova da Baronia
Webpage, table-file and visualization workbook.
How to apply this to you, your neighborhood, region, country, continent and the world ...?
Start with a series of local societal workshops. Elaborate school works and theses on related topics.

2. Organize down-up local Deliberative Societal Governance, replacing party politics, dito elections and decisions,
considerably lifting-up humanity's Mental-societal Age

How to apply this to you, your neighborhood, region, country, continent and the world ...?
Start with a series of local societal workshops. Elaborate school works and theses on related topics.

3. A movement for worldwide Creative and Solidary Sobriety
Proposals in preparation for making these items and many other related topics,
keeping the planet within its natural limits, object of academic theses, societal surveys, etc.
World Movement De-Growth
How to apply this to you, your neighborhood, region, country, continent and the world ...?
Start with a series of local societal workshops. Elaborate school works and theses on related topics.

The whole set to be steered by a "I decide" Citizens Movement.
This includes the need for a very restricted application of AI,
which on top needs an unacceptably excessive volume of energy, read CO˛, etc.
See, for example, the latest report on the untenable CO˛ generation by Google.

How to apply this to you, your neighborhood, region, country, continent and the world ...?
Start with a series of local societal workshops. Elaborate school works and theses on related topics.

Model Crowd-Research, Deliberation and Decision system, Citizens' driven,
to apply to every region in the world, still worldwide connected:

Diagram Key-Components and Partners, SocietalSystem Alentejo, Portugal
Download, save as and replicate it to your or any region in the world.
Send us a link to your application, we will publish a link to it.

Dozens of items that can be cancelled, that consume billions of euros,
produce tons of CO˛ as well as mountains of waste in general,
apart from widening the gap between haves and lesshaves, up to a the point of no return,
from which nobody would escape, also the socalled rich, as money would lose all its value:

olympic games, big sports events, 50+ % of worldwide tourism, 75+ % of holiday air travel, excess consumption in general, etc
and that would free the needed resources for regenerating social and environmental projects,
now endangering the future survival itself of humanity, even on relatively short term, i.e.10-20 year.
StS-Campaigns, based on, between other tools, Family Expenses Analysis, Affordable Quality Way of Life for All,
and Avoiding a Climate Point of No-Return, to implement by local citizens, shortly online.

How to apply this to you, your neighborhood, region, country, continent and the world ...?

Democracy, elections and SocietalSystem.
One of the root aspects of SocietalSystem is the fact it contains thousands of tools
for citizens to research, possibly change, a wide range of behaviours,
that steer the whole functioning of society, including its impacts on politics,
economy, social relations, health and the environment,
without having to change any law, still perfectly legal, and morally sound!

Example: 50% of the world population, specially in the advanced economies,
becoming vegetarian, would drastically impact, in the best sense,
the environment, health and public and personal finance, worldwide.

And, its application would not cost one single cent!
How to apply this to you, your neighborhood, region, country, continent and the world ...?

World-World Relations Outline
1.500 Topics, applied to all world regions and countries.

Generating positive citizens' impact on the media and on society, locally to globally.
StS News Analysis and Media Commentaries
React on and interact with media publications, in a structural and systemic way.
News analyses conferences and workshop models and programs in preparation,
adaptable to each country and locality.

Program of Research, Deliberation and Applications Mails from september 2024.
Proposals to a wide range of entities to take part in the study and elaboration of a selection of files,
with down-to-earth local applications to the sub-municipality Vila Nova da Baronia, Portugal.

In shocking times only shocking truths are real
and only shocking proposals and projects are realistic.

Date: 22.09.2024



© SocietalSystem ( StS )