SocietalSystem ( StS )
Alentejo Region, Portugal
What are the critical challenges for the Alentejo, now and towards 2030, 2040 ...
What is the non-exploited, still very needed potential of the region, in order to address the challenges?
What are the current conventional
answers, publicly and privately? How far are they systemic? What is
their probability of success?
What is missing? The present proposals should provide an integrated set of systemic solutions.
Welcome to the board of disruptive thinkers and innovative doers ...!

Alentejo Societal Crowd-Plan 2030
Alentejo Proposals for the Portugal Março 2024 National (S)Elections,
the European (S)Elections
2024 and Alentejo Local (S)Elections 2025.
A pilot and model for the hundreds of rural regions in Europe and in the world..
A complement to the related official programs for Alentejo. See sections 10 and 12 below.
Crowd-Plan = down-up initiative with the proactive participation of all stakeholders, read citizens,
unlike the common top-down practice in politics.
2030 = about the time, supposed by the UN, of risking to reach a point of no return in the degradation of the biosphere.
Unlike official documents, SocietalSystem is uniquely composed of documents that are modulable,
i.e. to be used and changed by everyone, including most illustrations, as geo-territorial maps and listings.
Date: 08.02.2024
StSNmr: 05 - StSCod: aan.ggt - StSFil: cg0110.2030.ggt
Mail: -
A table and presentation version of the present text will shortly be online,
for proactive use in schools and by all people and entities, involved in a realistic transition of the Alentejo.
And for replication of the concept and tools to other regions in the world.

Download: Diagram Key-Components and Partners
To review: Overview of contacts on the Alentejo Societal 2030 Crowd-Plan, in progress and in preparation
Alentejo key-data:
Area: 30.000 km² - Population: 700.000 - Pop. Density: 20+, Nbr municipalities: 58+, Submunicipalities: 400+, hamlets: 1200+, Districts: 5
North border: Setúbal, Lisbon, South border: Algarve, West border: Atlantic ocean, East border: Spain
Capital city: Évora, Central administration: CCDRAlentejo, Main schools: Universidade de Évora, Politécnica de Beja
Ver a versão em português do presente texto, ainda em preparação:
Alentejo Plano Societal 2030 página ainda não atualizada, seguirá em breve.
New! Download table-checklist Portugal Geo-Territória Parliament Elections 10 march 2024
A unique opportunity for citizens' steered enquiries and interventions related to the Alentejo Societal Plan 2030 project.
More to follow.
Page Content
000. Practical Data, non-classified
00. Key-Considerations
0. Objectives
1. Documents involved
2. Proposed Infrastructures
3. Activities
3.6 Proposed pilot Rural Festivals:
Series of Workbooks in ppt-format (currently 31)
for download and elaborate, complete, debate, decide, etc.
4. Agenda
5. Start Initiative
6. In parallel, in the world
10. Societal Entities
11. Selection External Links
Table 3.6 Versions
Table web version of the Dossiers series Event Alentejo Societal 2030 Quadro Geral
Table excel version of the Dossiers series Event Alentejo Societal 2030
Table web version of the Dossiers series Event Alentejo Societal 2030 Links in SocietalSystem
Table web version of the Dossiers series Event Alentejo Societal 2030 Survey
000. Practical Data, non-classified
More: SocietalSystem extracts and re-edit in modulable formats, a selection of official documents,
so they can be used in an interactive way for research, deliberations and intervention initiatives.

Download modulable Workbooks series at Section 3.6 below.
Free to use, copy, elaborate, etc.
Highly valuable for research, school projects, governance participation and interventions, etc.
Workable tools for proactive participation, individually and in group
Download the synoptic presentation and manual of all Workbooks in only one file
Download 4 p. Flyer A4/A3 Alentejo Societal 2030, under construction, participate!
Download 12 p. Booklet Alentejo Societal 2030, under construction, participate!
Download model A3-A1 Posters Alentejo Societal 2030, under construction, participate!
A one-month training course for coaches on the Alentejo Societal 2030 program
is in preparation, to be organized from 2024, simultaneously on different sites throughout the region.
Idem for the Brussels Societal Program 2030, and other regions. Details to follow soon.
Ver a versão em português do presente texto, ainda em preparação:
Alentejo Plano Societal 2030
Note: this project currently concerns only the districts Alentejo Central (Evora), Alentejo Baixo (Beja)
and Alentejo Litoral (Grândola, part of the district of Setúbal).
projects in other Alentejo districts will follow later: Alto Alentejo
District (Portalegre)
and Lezíria do Tejo District (Santarém)

Download: Mapas Moduláveis Modulable Maps Distritos e Concelhos Alentejo
também disponiveis nos dossiers na seção 3.6 da presente página
also available throughout the dossiers to download from section 3.6 of the present page
StS-Site Região Alentejo, em construção
Sitemap Sectorial-Temático de base, Região Alentejo
500+ Títulos, prontos à Pesquisar, Editar e Dinamizar Societalmente.
See also: Horizontal Navigation Page Alentejo Region ( Portugal ) Relations with World Geo-Territories
totalling more than 15.000 documents. Include series Relations of Alentejo with Continents, SubContinents,
Fonias (same language countries), PALOP (portuguese speaking countries), and all about 200 World Countries.
Geo-Territories Topic Applications Outlines
All major topics on the present project are object of an outline of their applications pers geo-territory in Alentejo,
many of them in webpage, table-file, presentation-file as well as multicriteria databases for groups of data.
For a selection of the topics, an interactive forum is or will be available online.
See examples: links soon to follow ....

Consulting and Survey Campaign - Workshops Program
We are contacting dozens of public and private organizations and professionals,
in Portugal and worldwide, to request any relevant advice
to study and realize all aspects of the present Alentejo Societal Plan 2030.
They will also be invited to any of the related programs
and be mentioned througout all hundred of files on our sites,
including,, and
We also are available to present, anywhere, crowd-deliberation workshops and conferences.
Send your references to: and
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 28 Surveys
Sondagens Inquéritos Opinion Polls Enquiries ....
See also: Horizontal Navigation Page Alentejo Region ( Portugal ) Relations with 200+ World Geo-Territories
00 Key Considerations with applications for the Alentejo in study
00.1 The current model of society is profoundly outdated.
See related crowd-research* program and school tasks, as well as governance proposals, soon online.
00.2 Current advanced solutions do not include critical systemic societal reforms, indispensable on the UN SDGs 2030 program,
currently the most realistic one.
See related crowd-research program and school tasks, as well as governance proposals, soon online.
00.3 Current and short term key-challenges for Alentejo include excessive warming, desertification,
further depopulation, and the lack of public and private awareness of
these and other challenges and of their systemic answers.
See related crowd-research program and school tasks, as well as governance proposals, soon online.
00.4 The so-called free market is developed towards a rather dispersed and chaotic use of energy, infrastructures and finance.
SocietalSystem proposes a major correction by moving the whole complex
towards networking, recycling, and regional economic circularity.
This alone should free a large part of the finance needed for the project, along with innovative legal measures for facilitating investment,
employment and living
in the area, as should be the case in the whole rural Europe, read the
See the SocietalSystem proposals at the European Institutions see also EU-Proposal on Creating We-Eco Communities in Portugal.
See related crowd-research program and school tasks, as well as governance proposals, soon online.
00.5 Alentejo and its inhabitants and entities' present and future in world perspective, throughout all societal sectors.
What role? What impact from the world? What impact to the world?
See related crowd-research program and school tasks, as well as governance proposals, soon online.
00.6 SocietalSystem provides the foundation of the local, world and personal societal concepts.
As key instruments to build a system of a viable societal organization.
See related crowd-research program and school tasks, as well as governance proposals, soon online.
* crowd-research is research that is undertaken by a wide range of participants,
throughout all levels of society, still concerted.
0. Objectives
0.1 Rural Revitalization of Alentejo, in a systemic societal way,
including water management, organic farming, regional socio-economy, etc.
0.2 Structure and stimulate the sustainable circular socio-economy of Alentejo
0.3 Increase population from +- 700,000 to 1,000,000 in 2030
0.4 Proactively apply the objectives of the UN SDGs 2030 to Alentejo,
as a pilot model for Europe and the world.
0.5 Using the Alentejo Region case as a test field for proposals of the changes in the European Union legislation,
currently discussed at the European Parliament.
0.6 Reducing food waste.
0.7 Promoting semi-vegetarian diets, shops and restaurants.
1. Documents involved:
1.1 All related official documents, including from local authorities, national government, EU, UN, etc.
As well as from school institutions, especially UEvora and IP de Beja,...
Note: the essence of a selection of official documents is being trans-edited in SocietalSystem-mode
in order to facilitate their deliberation and feedback from any interested person or group
1.2 SocietalSystem Alentejo Platform
in development with relevant public and private entities.
- General thematic dossiers Alentejo.
- Dossiers on Municipalities, Parishes, Villages, Neighborhoods, Streets, Plots, etc.
- Dossiers of Public and private entities.
- Personal websites of proactive citizens (
Note: currently there are +- 100,000 online modular open source documents from Alentejo of type html, ppt, xls, jpg, dbf, etx.
1.3 platform,
linked to the coexistence of the 1,200 villages in the region,
and its integration into rural micro-regions.
1.4 Series of printed materials, all open source, including:
- Posters
- Thematic booklets,
- WorkBooks for workshops, etc.
1.5 Download Table-File Alentejo 1500+ Geo-Territories Planning Socio-economy Units
whole series of applications of this central planning tool in
preparation, including of all topics of the download series under
Section 3.6 below.
In parallel with a standard series of
modulable maps of all 50+ districts and concelhos of the Alentejo
See model under construction at: Dossier 9 Regional Geo-Territórios Geo-Territories
Tip: make an application yourself with 'save as', change filename,
replace "Rede de Unidades Socio-económicas"
by anything relevant, and elaborate the file.
Note: A crowd-research program is in preparation for elaborating the whole set of documents on the present page.
2. Proposed infrastructures
See: Download Table-File Alentejo 1500+ Geo-Territories Planning Socio-economy Units
2.1 Network of 25 Societal Training Centers, residential and non-residential
2.2 Use of 250+ existing rooms in Juntas de Freguesias and Câmaras Municipais
2.3 Network of 20-50 Agricultural and Biological Construction Promotion Centers.
Including professional training programs, agroecological materials, and equipment stores.
Proposed pilot model and network coordination base: Clara Centro, Saboia, Odemira.

2.4 Regional Coordination Center Project Proposal:
Proposed location: Monte das Figueiras, Grândola, Alentejo, Portugal
Monte das Figueiras, Grândola, Projeto Piloto Centro Residencial de Formação Societal
- Pilot Project Residential Societal Training Center
with crowd-finance and co-management campaign.
Candidates welcome: please write to
See also Section 3.6.7 below.
See also: Website Rural Micro-Regions and Communities
2.5 Five district social centers:
Evora area, Beja area, Portalegre area, Grândola area and Santarém area
2.6 100+ Eco-Agricultural Farms
2.7 Societal Houses within a selection of villages
3. Activities
3.1 Membership campaign for micro-entities, schools, etc. to the platform
3.2 Investment campaign in the projects
3.3 Alentejo repopulation campaign
3.4 Local-global dissemination campaign
3.5 Annual regional Interactive Rural Festivals
Driven by an uncomparable set of modulable, proactivating instruments,
indispensable for integrating and motivating common citizens in the inevitable process
of radically reducing our consumption of energy and enhancing local conviviality.
See also: Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 49 Rural Festivals
Worldwide events for rural development, including agriculture, forestry and rural development.
3.6 Series of modulable presentation workbooks (ppt)
for download and free to use, change, re-edit, etc.
webpage, table, presentation and interactve site versions for most topics in preparation.
Excellent tools for driving proactive local deliberations, courses, societal governance initiatives,
school projects, academic theses, political actions, as well as for personal development, private as professional.
Table web version of the Dossiers series Event Alentejo Societal 2030 Quadro Geral
Table excel version of the Dossiers series Event Alentejo Societal 2030
Table web version of the Dossiers series Event Alentejo Societal 2030 Links in SocietalSystem
Table web version of the Dossiers series Event Alentejo Societal 2030 Survey
Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier Geral General Dossier
Take part at the conception, elaboration and realization of this prototype event!
It can open surprising ways towards new responsable business and jobs!
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 1 Resumo Geral General Overview
with a page per topic of all Dossiers below, for deliberations in one file.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 2 Stands Rural Festivals
Projected up to 150 stands, a number of them in group mode, to induce clustering.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 3 Entidades Entities
Public Administrations, Enterprises, NGOs, Schools, Media, Citizens
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 4 Programa Rural Festivals
Instant-Surveys, Demonstrations, Deliberations, Excursions, Performances, Courses, Debates, ...
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 5: Sectores de Governação Societal Governance Sectors
Equivalent of governance ministries and administrations, standard series of 32 topics.
We are looking for researchers, editors, coaches for the development and application of this system.
See also radiography of the political system and practice in Alentejo, as well as its connection with the citizens.
See also Alentejo in the Parliament Elections Portugal 10 march 2024:
as well as Alentejo in the European Parliament Elections of june 2024:
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 6 StS-Ficheiros Modelos Model StS-Files
Modulable documents in webpags, table-files, presentations, all modulable, also off-line,
as there are thousands in, -net and -org and in
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 7 Propriedades Venda-Compra-Aluguer Properties Sales-Purchases-Rentals
A catalogue with hints for using the properties in
a societal, ecological and social way, fit for the inevitable
low-energy future,
including suggestions for clustering with neighboring properties. See also Section 2.4 above.
Contact SocietalSystem to invest money, time, space, equipments and know-how in one or more properties.
Send your requests or proposals to and
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 8 Disciplinas de Estudo Study Disciplines
A wide range of proposals to link all levels and directions of education to any local-globl reality,
with a proactive contribution to systemic solutions in any sector.
Applications specially to the programs of the UEvora University, Évora, and the Politecnica in Beja. See separate Dossiers below.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 9 Regional Geo-Territórios Geo-Territories
Outlines and societal proposals for the world, Europe, Portugal, Alentejo, districts, municipalities,
freguesias sub-municipalities), hamlets, streets and roads, up to the parcels

* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 10 Aplicações Applications UN SDGs 2030
17 fields of societal development, for the world and for each country, as projected in 2015 by the members of th UN
General StS-Site UN SDG 2030 Goals - SDG Goals 2030 StS-Site for 250+ Geo-Territories
See also: Horizontal Navigation Page Alentejo Region ( Portugal ) Relations with 200+ World Geo-Territories
Suggest another Dossier topic, co-edit one. Send to and
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 11 Referências References
Data on institutions, people and publications, related to the Alentejo region
O a selection of official documents an modulable transcription is edit to be used for research and at citizens' deliberations
See: StS-Transcription of Open Documents

* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 12 Eleições Março 2024 Elections Mars 2024
Data on institutions, people and publications, related to the Alentejo region
New! Download table-checklist Portugal Geo-Territória Parliament Elections 10 march 2024
A unique opportunity for citizens' steered enquiries and interventions related to the Alentejo Societal 2030 project.
More to follow.
See also: Directory of Pioneering Societal Governance Proposals
A complete other, disruptive approach to politics and elections. Dossier with applications to the Alentejo soon online.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 13 Indicadores Societais Societal Indicators 2030
Current, projected and optioned data towards 2030. Expressing the challenges and opportunities of Alentejo.
Meta-Catálogo Alentejo
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 14 Produtos Serviços Products Services
For private consumption and professional organization

* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 15 Calendário Anual Year Calendar
For private consumption and professional organization

* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 16 Geo-Territórios Mundiais World Geo-Territories
Outlines and societal proposals for the world countries. Relation with Alentejo.
See also: Horizontal Navigation Page Alentejo Region ( Portugal ) Relations with World Geo-Territories
totalling more than 15.000 documents. Include series Relations of Alentejo with Continents, SubContinents,
Fonias (same language countries), PALOP (portuguese speaking countries), and all about 200 World Countries.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 17 Rede Centros Societais Locais Local Societal Centers
Ideally one per freguesia, about 250 in the region, equipment includes administration office, workshop rooms,
copy and print serviçes, up to A1, basic ITC-support and training, etc.
To be open to all people
and entities with societal function, also without any affiliation to
the proposed philosophy and projects.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 18 Inquéritos de Ruas e Parcelas Street and Parcels Surveys
Scanning society from the roots on, down-up, with proactive participation of owners and residents.
Without this society can
impossibly come to a realistic insight in the 'butterfly impact' and
correction of human behaviour.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 19 Aplicações Sistémicas Societais de Base
Basic Societal Systemic Applications
Concepts at the roots of the whole society and its impact on the earth.
Including the replacement of the GDP and mercantilist prices by respectively a Panergetic Index and Prices system.
See also below Dossier 47 Overhaul of the finance system.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 20 Festival Rural 2030
An inovative, mind-opening event with butterfly impact, in the region and worldwide.
Suggest another Dossier topic, co-edit one. Send to and
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 21 Movimento 'Back to One Planet' 2030 Movement
An inevitable choice, as the earth cannot survive with the current 2 planets consumption per year.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 22 Movimento 'Eu decido' 'I decide' Movement
Citizens taking on their responsability, where the system in place is not capable to.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 23 Campanha Media Media Campaign
Please, see also Section 5.5 below.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 24 Manual Pessoal Personal Manual
Theory and practice for contributing to the rural revival of the Alentejo, and related personal development.
Opening our imagination, individually and in group, not at least locally, for effective solutions for the multi-challenges of today.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 25 Redes Micro-Empresas Locais Network Micro-Enterprises Locais
Platform for remodelling and adding the micro-units of the local socio-economy,
in order to bring it in harmony with the regional sustainabilty needs and plan.
See also: Website Rural e-Regions and Communities

25.1 Exemplo Example: Rede de Carpintaries Locais Network Local Carpentries, Alentejo
Object of research,
governance proposals locally-toglobally, deliberations, decisions,
organization, investment, finance, training, promotion, etc.
Study of the inplantation of the carpentries over the whole Alentejo region, download: Rede Carpintarias Locais Alentejo Quadro Geo-Territórios Regionais
More than 50 other networks of local businesses under construction for the Alentejo,
in order to project the whole sustainable socio-economy tissue..
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 26 Adere! Societal Shift Pioneers Join!
People taking on the challenge to imagine, develop and lead in practice, the urgently needed transitions all over society.
the creation of tools, infratstructures, products and services that,
just in time, will save the world from terminal collapse,
namely before 2030.

* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 27 Formação de Coaches Training and Services
Professional training of Societal Crowd-Coaches. Per societal sector and citizens group. Inductors of societal transition, individually and in group.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 28 Surveys
Sondagens Inquéritos Opinion Polls Enquiries ....
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 29 Top Conceitos Princípios Raízes Root-Concepts Principles
Mental-societal age of mankind, time measuring, panergetic index and prices, omni-causality, iatrogenics, holistic thinking, person-planet inclusivity, ....
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 30 Planificação Planning 2100
From pre-human history to post-human future, era of humanity, industrial era, electronic era, 21st century, ....
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 31 Soluções Sistémicas Systemic Solutions
Solutions based on non-linear thinking, circular socio-economy, local-global inclusivity, non-party societal governance, ...
Suggest another Dossier topic, co-edit one. Send to and
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 32 Despesas Familiares Family Expenses
Checklist of more tha 1.500 family expenses, for analysis, debates and consumption eco-optimization.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 33 Constituição Portugal Aplicação Alentejo Application Portuguese Constitution
Holistic-societal analysis and change proposals to the constitution of Portugal.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 34 Lei das Autarquias Locais Aplicação Alentejo Local Governments Law
Holistic-societal analysis and change proposals to the local governments law of Portugal.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 35 Iniciativas de Transição Atuais Current Transition Initiatives
Worldwide in general and in Alentejo in particular.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 36 Arvore SocietalSystem Tree
Root classification of the whole SocietalSystem platform.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 37 Rede Deliberações de Cidadãos Network Citizens Deliberations
in mayors' offices, 50+ in Alentejo, and in juntas de freguesias, 250+
in Alentejo, cultural and youth centers, schools, cafés, etc.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 38 Aplicações Societais Programa UEvora Program Societal Applications
Students' endworks, theses and research tasks, directly related to the transition movement of Alentejo.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 39 Aplicações Societais Programa Politécnica Beja Program Societal Applications
Students' endworks, theses and research tasks, directly related to the transition movement of Alentejo.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 40 Alentejo 2030 Societal Crowd-Research Program
A holistic convergence of dozens
of disciplines to study the Alentejo region as a dynamic area, being
all sectors, people and entities involved and connected.
This Dossier is the internal central document of the whole Societal Alentejo 2030 project.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 41 Plataforma online Platform
online, featuring mainly workable documents for facilitating citizens
to take part at the crowd-research and steering of the Alentejo region,
from their village or neighborhood upto the world. A revolution in the opening of citizens' societal consciousness and intervention.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 42 Plataforma online Platform
Network of rural communities, being the Alentejo region a pilot model, featuring more than 1.000 hamlets.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 43 Intercâmbios Locais-Globais Alentejo Local-Global Exchanges
Alentejo exchanges with the world, for a selection of societal sectors. An extensive platform with about 10.000 documents.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 44 Plano de Sobriedade Criativa Creative Sobriety Plan
The formula that is inevitable to survive, for the Alentejo and for the world. Every attempt to avoid sobriety worsen the situation.
Until the point of no return o survival of the biosphere, and so of humanity, is reached.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 45 Orçamentos Municipais Municipal Budgets
Overview per concelho and freguesia. Analuses and proposals.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 46 Planos de Urbanização PDMs Urbanization Plans
Overview per concelho and freguesia. Analuses and proposals.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 47 Systemic Shift Sistémico Sistema Financeiro Finance System Alentejo - Mundo World
overhaul of the main driver of the now ending socio-economy system in
Alentejo, and in the world. The unavoidable application of an apparent
The 'alpha et omega' for the survival of the world and of humanity.
See also above Dossier 19 systemic changes in societal organization.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 48 Pessoa-Planeta Local-Global Person-Planet Local-Global
The whole spectrum of reciprocal impact between each individual person and the world.
Until now neglected, from now a condition for survival for everyone, everywhere.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 49 Festivais Rurais
Worldwide events for rural development, including agriculture, forestry and rural development.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 50 Top Propostas de Governação Top Governance Proposals
Applications to Alentejo of a selection of root proposals for remodelling society.
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 51 Migração Migration
Emigration and immigration trends and policies.
Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 1 Resumo Geral General Overview
with a page per topic of all Dossiers above, for deliberations, in one file.
Extra: EU-Proposal on Creating We-Eco Communities in Portugal
See also: Website Rural Micro-Regions and Communities for Rural Revitalization.
3.7 Pedagogical programs for rural revitalization in educational institutions,
Evora University, Beja Polytechnical, Licéus, Grândola Agricultural School,
Adult training units,...
3.9 Extended Street Surveys program, parcel-per-parcel, on all aspects
of socio-economy developement, environment, labour, investment, etc.
See also section 2.2, use of Parish Council rooms (250+) in Alentejo.
4. Agenda
4.1 Contacts in Alentejo. see below Nr. 11
4.2 Ongoing and planned contacts in Brussels,
concerning all aspects of this list, not at least related to the financial matters of the project
- Contact with Portuguese embassy
- Entities related to Portugal, in particular Alentejo
- European and other related international institutions
- Members of the European Parliament, from Portugal in general and Alentejo in particular,
taking advantage of the EP elections in June 2024
- Series of conferences and workshops related to professional entities in Brussels,
as well in France, Germany, England, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, ...
- Fairs and Exhibitions Projects in Alentejo, Lisbon, and Europe.
Proposed 1st Fair in Grândola, spring 2024
- Presence and presentation of the project at relevant events around the world.
5. Start Initiative
5.1 Formation of the Alentejo Societal 2030 Key Group
Informal entity for preparing and establishing the project.
See the guest list and preliminary programs.
5.2 Establishment of a Consortium of Professional Sector Partners,
including the political, administrative, economic, agricultural, financial,
scientific, pedagogical, and media, among others…
5.3 Creation of Official Project Entities,
including the company SocietalSystem Alentejo and the Alentejo Association.
View statutes and business plan templates.
5.4 Launch event preparation, spring 2024
5.5 Rural Revitalization Media Campaign in Regional Newspapers,
including Jornal do Alentejo, regional editions of national newspapers,
publications from Portuguese communities around the world.
Example: Associação José Afonso Núcleo de Bruxelles.
6. In parallel, in the world:
6.1 Fairs and Exhibitions in key cities in Europe.
Pilot: Brussels-Expo.
6.2 Temporary installation of stands in the real estate sector in crucial locations in key cities in Europe
Example: at Galerie Louise, Brussels (75 unoccupied stores)
10. Selection of initiatives of the main societal entity groups
related to a societal shift for the Alentejo region.
1. Public Institutions
2. Enterprises
3. NGOs
4. Schools
5. Media
6. Citizens
Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 3 Entidades Entities
Public Administrations, Enterprises, NGOs, Schools, Media, Citizens
11. Selection External Links
mentioned without a reciprocal commitment.
1. Public Institutions
2. Enterprises
3. NGOs
4. Schools
5. Media
6. Citizens
Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 11 Referências References
Data on institutions, people and publications, related to the Alentejo region
11. Key references, not-classified (structured table follows):
National Energy Outline Portugal
National Energy and Climate Plan, see section Portugal - Dados +-2006
INE Portugal Instituto Nacional de Estatísticas Censos 2021 29.10.2023 Governance respons to Youth emigration from Portugal

IefpOnline - Regresso a Portugal
EU Committee of the Regions on Rural Revitalization Instituto Português do Mar e do Atmosfera
The 2023 State of the Climate Report: entering unchartered territory
For whom is not yet convinced of the urgent need for a radical shift in societal organization
to avoid a geo-catastrophy on short to mid-term, please read this report, published on the 24th of october 2023.
The main indicators of the report will be researched en checked for the Alentejo region.
Grândola, Portugal naturism vintage session on youtube:
Portugal Dados Abertos Open Data:
Associação José Afonso, Lisboa with Library José Afonso in Setúbal
Sources of Public Finance in Alentejo include:
Plano de ação Reativar o Turismo
Links to related entities in the Lisbon area: ,,,,
SocietalSystem, with, offer societal research,
coaching and training services for responsable societal investment and dito job opportunities,
in rural revitalization projects in Alentejo and Algarve, Portugal.
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