StS-Weeco-Mail Text 2023-2024

Interest Group: Real Estate Sector

Date: 02.12.2023

Related entities mail page: Architects Urbanists etc., Construction Sector,

Rethinking the world's real estate sector, in view of climate change,
biosphere degradation,
finance disturbances, and social convulsions, worldwide in general
and for the Alentejo in particular.

Current system: short term view, individualistic, mercantilist finance dominated, proportion of real estate unused or abused,
generating immense corrective expenses for the whole of society, ...
Societal integrated system: panergetic values and impact, local-social integration of each estate object,

* Mail text
* Booklet, Flyer, Poster, Video, ...
* Survey questions proposals
* StS-Dossiers include:
* Refs include:

Research Tasks include:
Pre-quastion: how far are the following proposals applied by any entity?
* Streets and Roads Societal Surveys, Alentejo.
* Impact of constructions on their environment, ecologically, socially and economically, Alentejo.
* Current and proposed policy of the real estate sector in relation to the ecologically, socially and economically trends of the Alentejo.
   >  Related legislation?
   > Related school courses?
   > Related local initiatives, by local governments, by nonprofit sector, etc.

Entities to contact include:
* Societal Governance
** UN-Bodies:
* EU-Bodies:
* EUParliament:
* Committee of the Regions:
* Portugal:
** Parlamento: Ministério de Economia

** Ministério de Agricultura

** Presence in websites Concelhos e Freguesias
** Notaries
* Enterprises
** Real Estate Agencies, Alentejo
** Banks
* NGOs
** Sector NGOs:
** Entidade Rural
* Schools
Related disciplines: economy, law, architecture, mathematics, sociology,
* Media
Sections in regional media, Diario do Alentejo, ...
* Citizens

For research:
Download Table-file Aplicação Sector Imobiliária Real Estate All Dossiers Applications Alentejo Societal 2030

* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 40 Alentejo 2030 Societal Crowd-Research Program
A holistic convergence of dozens of disciplines to study the Alentejo region as a dynamic area, being all sectors, people and entities involved and connected.
  This Dossier is the internal central document of the whole Societal Alentejo 2030 project.

* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 7 Propriedades Venda-Compra-Aluguer Properties Sales-Purchases-Rentals
   A catalogue with hints for using the properties in a societal, ecological and social way, fit for the inevitable low-energy future,
   including suggestions for clustering with neighboring properties
. See also Section 2.4 above.
Contact SocietalSystem to invest money, time, space, equipments and know-how in one or more properties.
   Send your requests or proposals to and
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 5 Sectores de Governação Societal Governance Sectors
   Equivalent of governance ministries and administrations, standard series of 32 topics
* Download Evento Event Alentejo Rural Dossier 18 Inquéritos de Ruas e Parcelas Street and Parcels Surveys
   Scanning society from the roots on, down-up, with proactive participation of owners and residents.
   Without this society can impossibly come to a realistic insight in the 'butterfly impact' and correction of human behaviour.

Real Estate Sector Alentejo key-indicators include:
* Panergetic balance of the real estate sector in the Alentejo region.
* Suggest other indicators

Proposals to the Real Estate Sector Alentejo  include:
1. Street Surveys, Parcel per Parcel, Alentejo:
    > StS-Database of 17.000+ streets of the Alentejo region. To update.
   See also: World Streets Surveys site

* Suggest other proposals

SocietalSystem and Features for the Real Estate Sector include:
