SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's Operating Complex

Europa - União Europeia - Portugal - Alentejo, Portugal
Dossier em faze de elaboração: ainda mistura de português e inglês.
Imobiliária Real Estate 2030
Alentejo, Portugal

Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal.
Plataforma completa e campanha de convivialização do setor imobiliatia.
Informação > Pesquisa > Formação > Deliberações > Decisões > Aplicações Soco-económicas

Openstreetmap, Alentejo

Ver também See also:
Imobiliária Societal Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal

alentejodistritos2.png    alentejomapa.png    alentejomapaconcelhos.png
Download: Mapas Moduláveis Modulable Maps Distritos e Concelhos Alentejo

See example SocietalSystem Cadaster Outline, Portugal
ready to localize and integrate each real estate object and plan,
in connection with all parcels in the area, and with their respective social function,
now and in perspective of 2030

Mailing Data and Text - Real Estate Sector

In preparation,
separate lists and cross-over connected database,
all indispensable tools for societal planning and governing the Alentejo:

List of Urbanism Offices, Concelhos, Alentejo
List of Surveyors, Alentejo
List of Architects, Urbanists, Engineers, Alentejo
List of Construction Companies, Alentejo
List of Real Estate Agencies, in Alentejo
List of Real Estate Agencies on Alentejo, Worldwide
+ StS-Transcription of the essence of a selection of related official documents

Read first, also interactive online:
Inquérito de Perguntas e Propostas no Sector Imobiliário Alentejo
Survey of Questions on and Proposals to the Alentejo Real Estate Sector 2024
Level 1 Governance - Level 2 Professional - Level 3 Private
Inspiring, disturbing questions, almost never asked, because touching the system at its roots
as it is the spirit of the current and near future time.
In the accelerating systemic shift both the earth and human society are now living,
the real estate sector has a central role.
It should switch from merely selling property, to co-steering urban redesign
and rural revitalization,
within a realistic and responsable back to one planet movement.

Therefore, each property of any kind has to be connected in societal dynamics terms,

to all properties within a circle of up to 25 km.
A proactive connection of the real estate sector with all other sectors of society
is therefore one of the major goals of the SocietalSystem and platforms.


In preparation,
Maps, Listings, Databases, Alentejo
all indispensable tools for societal planning and governing the Alentejo:

Existing and proposed items and facilities.
See also, in preparation: Technical File per Locality and Real Estate Object
with data,
mentioned below.
Individual Living Properties for Rent and for Sale, Alentejo
Collective Living Properties for Rent and for Sale, Alentejo
Professional Use
Properties for Rent and for Sale, Alentejo

Localities, Alentejo
with Concelhos, Freguesias and Urban Neighborhoods and Rural Hamlets
Roads and Streets, Alentejo
City Maps, Alentejo
Train Lines and Stations, Alentejo

Bus Lines and Stations, Alentejo
Car Roads Network, Alentejo
Bicycle Roads, Alentejo
Hiking Roads, Alentejo
Highways Auto Estradas and Connections, Alentejo
Airports and Airport Distances, Alentejo
Sea Ports and Destinies, Alentejo
Exposition and Exhibition Resorts, Alentejo
Câmaras Municipais CMs and Juntas de Freguesias JFs, Alentejo
with Departments, Services, Event Facilities and Equipments, etc.

GNR and Police Stations, Alentejo

Emergency Services, Alentejo
Garages, Alentejo
+ StS-Transcription of the essence of a selection of related official documents

Real Estate is one of the dozens of topics or sectors, directly related
to the new Alentejo Rural Revitalization Plan 2030,
featuring more than 50 extensive sets of interactive platforms
for citizens' steered crowd-research and concrete action.

Selection from Alentejo 2030 Platform, related to Real Estate
Selection from the Alentejo Rural Revitalization Plan 2023. See link above.
Covering all major topics real estate involved. Dossiers in Workbook format (ppt)

Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo
Booklet Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo
Real Estate items in other Booklets
Download Checklista Checklist Objetos Imobiliária Real Estate Objects Geo-Territória Alentejo
Objects for Sale for Rent for Free Use, ....
Download Checklista Checklist Agências Imobiliária Real Estate Agencies Geo-Territória Alentejo
See also Societal Catalogue, Alentejo soon online
with detailed listings, ex. Property with 2 garages, property at less than 1 km from the beach, etc.

StS e Campanha Campaign Imobiliária Societal Real Estate, Alentejo
Adere, join!

Model Dossier Property for Rural Accommodation
Download Monte das Figueiras, Grândola, Alentejo
Maps, plans, pictures, projections of uses, etc. 30+ slides all modulable.
An example of SocietalSystem and applications of a property.
Also on request available for your property for sale or for rent.
Request conditions to

Series One-day Real Estate Exploration Events, Alentejo
Places: Associations, salas Juntas de Freguesia (of which 200+ in Alentejo) café-restaurants,
Equipment: projector, info-panels, printer a4-a3, binder dossiers, staple large format,
b/w and colour paper a4-a3, sound set, selected printed maps,
Interest groups:
Overnight stay: hotel, camper, tenth, AL, Private Room, etc.
Download flyer, shortly available.

Real Estate Exploration Events, Alentejo, in cities, Portugal, Europe, World
with specialized estate and organizing partners
Interest groups include: expats in, expats out, foreign entities in Alentejo, schools

Entities related: UN, EU, including EC, EP, COR, Social and Econ of EU, local authorities,
National entities: INE, Org. Rural,

Download Dossier: Creating Rural Communities in Alentejo
To select from the 1.500+ hamlets of the region.
Proposal to the elections Portugal, march, and EU-Parliament, june 2024

Who can do what to promote societal applications to the real estate sector in Alentejo?
Aplicações Imobiliárias Entidades Societais Real Estate Applications to Societal Entities, Alentejo

Instituições Públicas Empresas NGOs Escolas Média Cidadãos
Public Institutions Enterprises NGOs Schools Media Citizens

Conferências Cursos Workshops, Excursões, Visitas e Deliberações Imobiliária, Alentejo
para Profissionais e Privados

Exposições, Feiras e Festivais Imobiliária, Alentejo
para Profissionais e Privados

Campanha Imobiliária Societal Real Estate Campaign
nas Eleições Portugal 10 de março
e do Parlamento Europeia junho 2024

Um duplo desafio e oportunidade para alinhar o setor imobiliária
com a nova direção societal e ecológica que està a se desenhar no mundo.

Ver também See also:
Meta-Catálogo, Alentejo
em preparação, com 100s de Seções - Sections
Urbanists, Alentejo
Surveyors, Alentejo

Architects, Alentejo
Legislação Imobiliária Atual e Propostas Alentejo

Societal Systemic Governance Proposals
Proposals that concern the roots of the proper functioning of governance, read politics.


Seleção Referências References Selection

Documentos Oficiais Relacionados - Related Official Documents


Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal Estudo Formação Training Coaching Syllabus  
Programa de Training Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal

SiteMap Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, PortugalDiagramas-chave Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
SocietalSystem FindEngine Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal - Páginas de Navegação Horizontale Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal  
Documentos Modelos em branco Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
SocietalSystem Fluxo de Documentos Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, PortugalSocietalSystem-Sites Relacionados Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
Termos-chave Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
Checklistas-chave Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
Aplicações SocietalSystem Esféras-Fluxo Societais Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal -
Aplicações Imobiliária Real Estate Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, PortugalAplicações Disciplínas Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
Aplicações Geo-Territoriais Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, PortugalAplicações Entidades Societais Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
Promo Cartas Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, PortugalPromo Posters Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
Folhetas 3-Folhas Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
- Promo Video Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
Exposições Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal - Excurções Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
 Intro-Promo Diaporama Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal - Sistema Tríptico Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal

Referências-chave Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, PortugalQuotações Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
Aplicações de Pensamento Holístico Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal - Inquéritos-chave Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
Dashboard Indicadores-chave Societais Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
e-Transição Societal 2025 Propostas e Projetos Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
Lista de SocietalSystem-Tarefas Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal Supervisor Global Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
SocietalSystem-Operacional Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal - SocietalSystem-Packages Produtos Serviços Eventos Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal
SocietalSystem Associados et Parceiros Imobiliária Real Estate Alentejo, Portugal

Update: 02.02.2024

© SocietalSystem ( StS )