SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's New Operating Complex
'I decide' Citizens Movement HomePage

'I decide' Citizens Movement

Name: ...
URL: ...
Mail: ...

'I decide' Sections and Objects
Section 2
'I decide' Geo-Territorial
Navigation Page
Section 1 'I decide' Personal - covering the private sphere
Section 2
'I decide' Geo-Territorial - covering personal impacts on local-global matters
Section 3 'I decide' Professional - covering personal implications in professional spheres
Section 4 'I decide' Societal Governance Intervention - covering local-global matters of societal decisions, including legislation and elections
Section 5 'I decide' Holistic - covering mental, cultural and scientifical areas

How to use-apply personally and in group the 'I decide' Platform.

Synoptic outline.
Copy the present page with the files, and insert it into your Own-Domain Site, if available.
    Add your name and references.
Alternativly, print the documents.
Study the items and start to insert your personal comments and data. Add as well other items.
Organize Home-Workshops and other events around one or more items,
     with neighbors, friends and collegues.
Spread your files.
Post your comments on the 'I decide' Forum
in preparation.

SocietalSystem is looking for Coaches to steer 'I decide' workshops and events.
This includes a business component, for promoting products and services,
 providing opportunities for a responsable income

not yet online
'I decide' Citizens Movement General Flyer
'I decide' Citizens Movement General Presentation
'I decide' Citizens Movement Personal Workbook
'I decide' Citizens Movement Personal Table-File


StSNmr: 34 - StSTop: zxz - StSFil: dm0555.zxz
Date: 23.05.2022
Author(s): SocietalSystem-Editors

How to Personally Apply the 'I decide' Outline


1.1The 'I decide' Movement constitutes a citizens' commitment, to change one's personal way of life, in order to avoid irreversible climate change, biodiversity degradation and human conflicts.

1.2  'I decide' Movement is proposed to be the object of a crowd-learning program, similar to the training programs at the introduction of informatics and internet in the past.
It should be part of all types of learning, throughout all categories of education entities, from home-workshops to doctoral research and theses.

1.3The 'I decide' Citizens Movement is part of an integrated flow of citizens' direct interventions in the whole societal decision-making, governance, and socio-economy processes.
1.'I decide' ( Present page ).
 Societal entities societal proactivation and convergence ( example Algarve  Region, Portugal ).
Citizens' steered Governance Deliberations and (s)Elections.
Legislation renewal.

In parallel:
 Societal Crowd-Research and Crowd-Learning Programs for all.
b. Communication Programs.


2Sections - File Downloads - Links

Download this Set ( soon online ) > copy in your Own-Domain site.


'I decide' Citizens Movement General Flyer
'I decide' Citizens Movement General Presentation
'I decide' Citizens Movement Personal Workbook
'I decide' Citizens Movement Personal Table-File


2.4Horizontal Navigation Page 'I decide' Movement,
Same Site for 250+ World Geo-Territories

"I Decide" Movement, Applications

Disciplines  Applications 'I decide' Movement Study Disciplines

Societal Sectors Applications 'I decide' Movement Societal Sectors

Societal Entities Applications 'I decide' Movement Societal Entities

Geo-Territorial Applications 'I decide' Movement
World Geo-Territories

3Applications Societal Entities
General Sites

'I decide' Applications for Societal Entities Societal Entities
3.1'I decide' Applications for Public Institutions Public Institutions
3.2'I decide' Applications for Enterprises Enterprises
3.3'I decide' Applications for NGOs Associations NGOs Associations
'I decide' Applications for Schools Schools
'I decide' Applications for Media Media
'I decide' Applications for Citizens Citizens
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2. Section 'I decide' Geo-Territorial Objects - covering personal impacts on local-global matters


2dm0555.200.zxz 'I decide' Geo-Territorial Objects General PageOwn Geo-Territories
2.1dm0555.201.zxz 'I decide' to take part in a sustainable urban planning of my street Local Urban Planning
2.2dm0555.202.zxz 'I decide' to take part in societal street surveys Street Surveys
2.3dm0555.203.zxz 'I decide' to contact and question elected representatives proactively Representatives Questioning
2.4dm0555.204.zxz 'I decide' to organize home-workshops to involve people in local development Home-Workshops
2.5dm0555.205.zxz 'I decide' to take part in home-workshops to get involved in local developmentHome-Workshops
2.6dm0555.206.zxz 'I decide' to participate in creating Convivial Neighborhoods Convivial Neighborhoods
2.7dm0555.207.zxz 'I decide' to participate in the conception and management of Rural Micro-Regions Rural Micro-Regions
2.8dm0555.208.zxz 'I decide' to create and maintain my Own-Domain site Personal Own-Domain Sites
2.9dm0555.209.zxz 'I decide' to create or become part of a local social and ecological permanent observers network Local Observers Network
2.10dm0555.210.zxz 'I decide' to proactively take part in societal crowd-research on my fields and points of interest Crowd-Research
2.11dm0555.211.zxz 'I decide' to take proactively part in the research-editing of the SocietalSystem-Platform of my locality-region Local SocietalSystem DataBank
2.12dm0555.212.zxz 'I decide' to prefer buying products and services of my region, avoiding imports if they are locally available,
or can be produced locally
Buying Locally
2.13dm0555.213.zxz 'I decide' to spend holidays in my region Own-Regional HolidaysAAA
2.14dm0555.214.zxz 'I decide' to share whatever relevant objects with neighbors Local Sharing
2.15dm0555.215.zxz 'I decide' to proactively take part in the steering of the public budgets of my locality, region and country. Public Budgets Interventions
dm0555.216.zxz 'I decide' to proactively take part in the elections prepairing process of my locality, region, country and continent Local Elections InterventionsAAA
dm0555.217.zxz 'I decide' to take proactively part in the societalystem transcription of official documents Transcription Open Documents
dm0555.218.zxz 'I decide' .... AAA
dm0555.219.zxz 'I decide' your geo-territorial object Link to your own-domain
dm0555.220.zxz 'I decide' your geo-territorial object Link to your own-domain
dm0555.221.zxz 'I decide' your geo-territorial object Link to your own-domain
aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

SocietalSystem general contact:
SocietalSystem ( StS ) Consortium